EFP 12 – Trickster Concept Map

Throughout the trickster unit, we met many different trickster characters, for example, Coyote, Raven, and Nanabush. There is variety version of each trickster stories and brought different level of meaning in each story. Trickster is clever and mischievous, they break rules and make changes. Those stories teach valuable stories by their humorous and witty actions. These stories help us learn about different Indigenous cultures and their worldview.

Concept Map Trickster

EFP12 – Storytelling Podcast

Podcast audio.wav

“Stories through the voice of authors”. This podcast discovers the perspective of the authors and discusses about four main stories: What is it about us that you do not like?, Traplines, Story of starvation and Charlie. This podcast shows the significance of the stories and how the stories are connected with other stories. Discuss about the essential question “How are the authors representing their culture and transferring their knowledge through stories?”.