New Book Cover – The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

This is the original book cover of the lion, the witch and the wardrobe, written by C.S. Lewis. This book is about four siblings were sent to a country house to be protected from World War II. One day, Lucy unconsciously found a world inside a magical wardrobe called Narnia, she brought her siblings (Peter, Edmund, and Susan) with her. In Narnia, they met a powerful Lion named Aslan and joined him to fight against the White Witch for the peace. Since the main character is the lion, so it is on the cover, but due to the main conflict is between the witch and the lion, the witch is also on the cover.

This is the new book cover of this book. In this book cover, I combine the lion and a candle, which the lion represents the protagonist of the book, Aslan, and the candle represents the witch, the candle with fire shows the mystery of Candles can embody a strong sense of mystery and desire. I use a hint to compare the witch with a candle, because the witch is not the protagonist, and the original writing embodies too many witches, which makes it easy for readers to not know who the protagonist is. If a candle is used as a metaphor for a witch, it can not only show the mystery that witches are born with, but also show the witch’s desire for power in the book.

One thought on “New Book Cover – The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

  1. Thank you for posting your “New Book Cover,” digital project for COL and English 9. The following are my observations/feedback for you regarding the assignment on a technological and posting perspective:

    – All elements are properly posted on your Edublog.
    – Paragraphs explain the aesthetic and stylistic choices in the original cover, as well as what you did in creating the new cover, could have been further developed
    – The new cover is animated and is creatively designed

    Overall, I thought you did a good job on this assignment!

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher

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