COL project


When I looked my self up, Facebook and Instagram we’re the first things that came up because I use my Instagram every single day but the weird thing is that I don’t even go on Facebook I go on the app messenger that is by Facebook but yet still just says Facebook it should say Facebook messenger but you get the point but every other social media that i have is on there like when i got my full scholarship it was there twitter account there and even games that need email and names were there.


I learned that every text you send every comment every video post and account you made its tracked and even if you delete all the video post like comment that file will always be out there so be smart on what you post online.

1 strategy that you can use is keeping track so write them on a piece of paper or type them in your phone.


2 when you sign up for any websites make sure than you want to be apart of it and ask your parents is this a good website ishould sign up for or should iwait till your a little bit older.


3 When your signing up for websites don’t just sign upbecause your friends want you to sign up if you want to because if you wont know wants on that website it could lead you to other bad websites.


instagram facebooktwitter

How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples

1 If you want a job say as a doctor and they look at your social media and they need you to be a person that is always focused but in your late teens you liked to party a lot  they probably wouldn’t want to hire you because of the lack of  immaturitythat was only at party’s.

2 if you always posted drugs or you drinking and then ranting on why you do that not only will no job want to hire you because your drunk or high because your killing your body and when they see this they’ll think that oh my god look he’s always drunk or always high and instantly they’ll think your going to  come to work  like that.