My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Category Portfolio

Dance Unit Final Assignment

Tanya Harrison Response

CBL Google Hangout with Tanya Harrison Tanya Harrison is a planetary scientist and professional photographer. She is a PHD student in Geology at the University of Western Ontario. She works mostly on collecting data for and from Mars. On June 14th, 2016… Continue Reading →

TOKTW 2015

View of building from back Name of Host: Rafael Sevilla – Relationship to you: Father The Interview 1. What is your job title? Customer Service Supervisor, Logistics & Supply Chain Specialist 2. Job Description? Oversee inventory, warehousing and manage freight… Continue Reading →

Taming of the Shrew Stop Motion Induction Scene Project

In class we read the induction scene of “Taming of the Shrew” written by William Shakespeare and we were tasked with stop motion animating the scene. This project was completed by Rafael Sevilla III, Evan Case and Chris Raggett. The… Continue Reading →

Everything I know about exponents

1) Represent repeated multiplication with exponents.  (2 x 2 x 2) x (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2) =  x  2) Describe how powers represent repeated multiplication. Compared to multiplication which is repeated addition [(2 x 4) =… Continue Reading →

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