This week in math we learned how to multiply and divide rational expressions. These fractions are generally pretty “ugly,” so writing them out fully makes it somewhat more clear to read and manage. There are 3 general steps to doing these kinds of questions:
1. Factor (numerator and denominator)
2. Use exponent laws
3. Cancel out like terms
Monomials are easier because you can combine the numerators and denominators than simplify. Single variable expressions must be factored, as well, you can only factor the same terms. the + or – of a binomial connect the two together, you cannot split them into two, must be factored as a whole. Then, cancel out similar terms from the numerator and denominator. From there you must find the non-permissible values, these values are the numbers which make the denominators equal to zero. It is best to find these before cancelling out as cancelling out hides certain terms you might miss.
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