For class we had a video chat with Karishma Bhagani from Kenya talking about her on-going project of water purification and we also asked her questions about her project and about difficulties, successes and ideas. The experience was alright.
My group and I worked out some questions that we were going to ask, ultimately we only used one
- Is Kenya overlooked when it comes to being a country that needs external help?
- What influenced you to initiate this project?
She grew up in Kenya and knew the problems they had with water. As a passion project in middle school she started the idea but once she reached high-school she decided to grow on this project and expand it into the purifier. She wants to continue until there is no drought of clean drinking water world-wide.
- How long did you live in Kenya?
- Has your message on water reached enough people compared to your original goal?
- Are there any other countries you plan on helping?
- What were some struggled while working on this project?
Some of the designs Karishma used were followed with problems specifically aspects that made the water contain bacteria. She tried chlorine in her filter but it was not successful as it did not completely clean the water. She found and decided to use a vegetable called drumsticks that worked to clean the water.
I learned in more depth about the water struggle in third world countries, her experience with putting the project together, and about the trials she went through to complete her project.
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