Rube Goldberg Project Science 10 2019


The first video is the complete demonstration of our Rube Goldberg in action and the second video is the breakdown of how it worked.

Simple machines Used: Screw, Inclined Plane, and Lever.

Energy Used: Sound (Coffee Machine in use), Mechanical (The fan), and Thermal (The heat from the coffee machine).

Energy Transformations Used: Gravitational Energy to Electrical Energy (The gravity of the books falling to turn on the coffee machine which is electrical),  Gravitational Energy to Mechanical Energy (Gravity rolls the ball down the incline plane to go through the fan which is mechanical) Electrical Energy to Thermal Energy (The electricity powering the coffee machine which heats up the drinkable substance by using thermal energy).

How does sound play a role in astronomy (Wonder Project)

How does sound play a role in astronomy

  1. I split my project into 3 topics/questions, how do stellar sound waves play a role in astronomy, how do radio waves play a role in astronomy and how do gravitational waves play a role in astronomy.
  2. I used power point and my research knowledge
  3. I first gathered vague information by doing a simple google search result on my question and then I lead my topic into 3 minor topics.
  4. I made sure it was from a reliable source such as NASA or if it wasn’t i made sure the person writing it had experience in the topic like a scientist.
  5. The process went well since i had interest in my topic because i like making music and sound is relate able to that. I could’ve added some more topics on top of my 3 ones i chose.

Desmos Art Functions Portrait Sem 1 2018

I used the sample equations on the board and got some ideas for equations from my peers. The most challenging moment was splitting the eyebrows in the middle because originally it was one big uni brow. It was funny when i added a top hat because i would be the type of person to wear one. My strategy was to start with the big shapes then downsize. This project helped me understand how to use equations to pinpoint my coordinates