Dry Cells (Zinc Carbon Batteries)


Click on link for model =sketchup-model



Overall, I think the outcome of the project is satisfying. I took a lot of time to perfect it and the process of collaborating with my partner went fine. Although lots of effort was put into this project, there certainly was room for improvement. One example is, I could have created an actual 3-D model of a battery instead of using the program Sketchup so that there is a better visual and that more effort is put in. Another example is, I could’ve added a bonus question to answer to show my understanding. In conclusion, the project was a good learning experience and I hope to use the skills of properly collaborating in a group project in the future.



Science App Review

Have you ever wanted to have a better grasp of chemistry but seemed to struggle? Misunderstood a concept in science? Misplaced a chemical formula? Need specific details for a specific element? Overall, do you just want a simple way to double check your work and help you be more efficient in the departmentImage result for question of chemistry. If you answered yes to any of those questions, you might want to consider downloading this app.


App Explanation and Pros

The answer for this problem was an app called “Complete Chemistry App”. As I experimented with this app, the pros ridiculously outnumbered the cons. The app is split into 4 sections; Periodic Table, Chemical Formula, Concepts, and Quick Reference. In the “Periodic Table” section, it would display all the elements ordered from the least to greatest atomic number. If you pressed on the element, it would give you the symbol, atomic radius, atomic weight, melting point, boiling point, and electron configuration. What I liked most about this section was that there would be a search bar at the top so we can search any element up and it would show up instead of scrolling down until you found it. Moving on to the next section, there was “Chemical Formula”. Here, it would list every chemical formula top to bottom. If you were unsure of a formula, you could simply check it by going to this section and searching it up on the search bar. This would be extremely helpful when studying for an upcoming chemistry test. Next section, there was “Concept”. This was where, like the setting name suggests, you search up a concept you may not understand. By searching it up, it would give you a brief but informative paragraph about the concept (such as what iconic and covalent bonds are and how they work ). Personally, this would help me a lot because I easily forgot concepts. Last but not least, the next section we got here for this app is “Quick Reference”. This section contains formulas, laws, principles, and etc. Like every other section on this app, this would be useful for quick look-ups of references you are unsure of. Overall, I have learnt that there are great apps out there than can quickly and efficiently help you greatly academically and I hope to use this app effectively in science class.



There were many things I liked about this app but there were also a few things I would have personally changed. For the Periodic Table section, I noticed there were no listings of amounts of electrons, protons, and neutrons for each element. I believed that caused a bit of a negative impact on the use of this app. Another thing I would have changed in the app to improve it was how there were no settings to search formulas separately on the Chemical Formula section. An example is, when I searched H2O, many other formulas appeared which makes it hard to find out what formula makes a specific substance rather than having results that showed one specific formula. Other th
an that, this app was pretty solid and did a great job serving its purpose.


Other Possible Solution to the Problem

-Get a tutor

-Stay afterschool for extra assignments to get better marks

-Watch YouTube videos so you understand something

-Read an article

-Get a friend or family member to review with you

-Get a group of friends and quiz each other and if someone gets something wrong, they all suffer a punishment until everyone does well

-You give your frieImage result for tutornd something valuable and you tell them to break it if you get something wrong while reviewing

-Tell yourself your going to bath in ice cold water if you get lower than 90% on the chemistry test so that you study hard


How does the app help users build skills or learn content?


This app helps students like me reflect on their knowledge and add more content to it and expand our minds so we are more successful in the chemistry section of science. The style of the app is more of a review app for upcoming tests (like a dictionary) but can still be used for others things; such as finishing off a homework sheet. With trial and error, we look for knowledge that is correct so we know the difference between right and wrong. The app helps us learn the differences and is easily accessible and so using this app as a study guide should be no problem.Image result for tutor

(also refer to app explanation)


How intuitive is the app? Is it self-explanatory or does it take a long time to figure out?

Sometimes, being basic is much more effective; such as this case. The app is very basic and self explanatory. But what is more important is if the app contains the correct information, which it does. Everything is straight-forward and is very easy to navigate through the app. To me, it feels like a neat and tidy room.

(refer to app for explanation of app)


What innovative elements does the app utilize?

The app utiliImage result for no wifizes the use of “downloaded info”. Another big pro was that no Wi-Fi or data was needed to access the information on this app. Usually, information either needs to be googled (which requires Wi-Fi) or read from books (lots of time spent). Both suggestions have their major cons, but this app was able to cross out the cons and so I thought the way the app works was pretty innovative.


DebriefImage result for potential

Overall, everything went very smoothly but there was definitely room for improvement, such as comparing my app to others similar to make the message behind this presentation much more effective. Another thing I thought I could have improved on was using the app for a long period of time and then reporting on the long term effects. In conclusion, I believe this app has a lot of potential in it that can grow if nourished.




Presented by : Peter Ra

Digital Footprint

How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities?


  1. A digital footprint refers to an identity you develop online. Based on how you form this identity, it can heavily influence the outcome of one’s future. An example is a when you try to get a job.Image result for digital footprint Most likely, the eImage result for digital footprint safeemployee will search you up to get a reference of what kind of person you are. If one’s digital footprint includes pictures of them drinking and partying all the time, the chances of you g-
    etting a job will greatly lessen. Furthermore, another example of how your personal digital footprint can affect you is when you are trying to get into a university or college. Many people apply for university/college and they will allow only the best to be accepted. If they search you up, they can see everything you have dImage result for digital footprintone on social media. In conclusion, I believe in a way your digital footprint is like a criminal record; something that leave footprints of everything you do.



Describe strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe


  1. Nowadays, almost everyone has access to social media. The interneImage result for digital footprint safet is a very vast place. Just like in real life, there are many “different” people that use the internet. Sometimes, these certain individuals can take advantage of one’s lack of knowledge of their own digital footprint. This usually results into having your privacy and safety at risk. Despite all of this, there are still ways to “cover” up the tracks you create online before it’s too late. First of all, do NOT post private information online such as usernames, passwords, phone numbers, addresses, etc. This information can easily be accessed and put yours or someone else’s safety
    at risk. Posting something online like this is as equivalent to giving a potential child predator your personal info. We do not know who is behind that screen so it is vital to
    be extremely cautious online. Secondly, another way to keep your digital footprint is by changing your privacy settings. Whether it is Facebook, Instagram, Image result for digital footprint safeor Twitter, there will always be settings you can tweak with. These settings give you chances to control who your audiences are. Some settings will even allow you to not be even searchable. Thirdly, do not post anything that you will regret in the future. Keep all your posts appropriate and in a kindly manner. Your digital footprint creates an idImage result for digital footprint safeentity for yourself online; like a I.D. If you spoil it with inappropriate pictures, disrespectful comments, and you partying all the time, it creates a negative image for your friends and family. Once something is posted on the internet, it will always stay there, even after deleting it, so always think carefully before posting anything on social media.



What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?


  1. In this experience, I learned that your personal digital footprint can heavily impact your future. You need to be extremely careful in the web. This footprint is a shadow of yourself. Careers, even lives have Image result for digital footprint safebeen ruined because of their own ignorance. I believe all these problems can be easily avoided by picking the right decision. I have been taught that your digital footprintImage result for digital footprint safe should not be taken lightly. If I was teaching a class about this, I would go on a social media site and search the school’s location up so all the photos posted in that location is viewable. I would use that to show the students how easily it is to access one’s digital footprint. With that, I would explain the dangers and the potential your footprint holds.





Presented by : Peter Ra


Pictures and Info Sources/credit :


(Click here for Word document with all sources)