Information Fluency

Strategies for Determining how Reliable a Webpage’s Info i

-See who created the page

-Check what info you are getting

-Find when this article was posted

-Check where the webpage is located

-See the layout of the website (ads)


Publication From the Library Database

The URL of a Publication =


How to Locate this Article =

  1. Go to Riverside’s homepage
  2. Click on “Library”
  3. Click on “Click Here”
  4. See under EBSCO Database and click “Academic Search Premier”
  5. Search up “Monkeys”
  6. The first result will be the article



What I learned Today =

I learned that there are many websites out their that contains inaccurate and false information and that I should always check the credibility of each site before using it for myself

Dry Cells (Zinc Carbon Batteries)


Click on link for model =sketchup-model



Overall, I think the outcome of the project is satisfying. I took a lot of time to perfect it and the process of collaborating with my partner went fine. Although lots of effort was put into this project, there certainly was room for improvement. One example is, I could have created an actual 3-D model of a battery instead of using the program Sketchup so that there is a better visual and that more effort is put in. Another example is, I could’ve added a bonus question to answer to show my understanding. In conclusion, the project was a good learning experience and I hope to use the skills of properly collaborating in a group project in the future.