Paragraph Response #2-The Friday Everything Changed

In the story “The Friday Everything Changed”, the main idea is people have to be brave and stand up for themselves. For example, Alma is brave to stand up for herself. “Alma Niles, put up her hand and said: “Why can’t girls go for the water, too?” This shows Alma wants to change the unfair situation, and has courage to do something. The next example, when you stand up for yourself, the rest might be not terrible like what you’d imagined. “I’ll think about that,” she said—as if, you know, she would—“and I’ll let you know next Friday.” This shows teacher thought that Alma’s point was right, and teacher was trying to change the rule. The last example is “‘Next week’ said Miss Ralston, closing the school register, tidying her books, ‘next week Alma Niles and Joyce Shipley will go for the water.’” This shows Alma proved that girls are not weaker than boys and changed the rule finally. Alma is a courageous girl who tried to gain an advantage for girls. She succeed finally. So people should stand up for themselves when they are facing to unfair.


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