Math 10 Week # 6

For our last week before spring break, we finished our measurement with calculating the surface area and volume of 3d objects such as Boxes, Triangular prisms, Cones, Cylinders, and the shape we will be focusing on, Spheres. A sphere is a 3d version of a circle like a ball and has \frac{2}{3} of the volume of a cylinder that has the same dimensions.

First we are going to begin with finding the surface area of a sphere. In this example, we have a sphere that has a radius of 3.1 cm. To find the surface area, we are going to have to calculate using the formula 4πr^2. As you can see, it is very similar to the formula the a surface area of a circle (πr^2) except we are multiplying that by 4 to change the measurement into square units. To begin, we start our answer with 4π(3.1)^2 and square 3.1 to end up with 9.61. We start with exponents in our question because we are using BEDMAS. Next we multiply 4 by 9.61 to end up with 38.44 and finish off with multiplying that with Pi. The reason why we are ending off with Pi is because it is an irrational number and if we began with multiplying that then we would have to round our number which slowly moves us away from the actual answer. In the end, our answer is 120.76cm^2.

Second we are going to find out how to find the volume of a sphere. For our second example, the radius of our sphere is 68 km, a much bigger number than our other sphere. For this question, the formula to calculate the volume of a sphere is \frac{4}{3}πr^2. To start off, we start our answer with \frac{4}{3}π68^2 and then going to square 68 to get 314, 432. Next we are going to multiply that by \frac{4}{3} (or 1.\bar{3}) to get 419242.\bar{6}. And finally, we multiply this by Pi to get the volume which is 1, 317, 089.68 km^3.

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