Neuron and Synapse Function

Neuron Structure:

The dendrites receive information from other neurons and sensory receptors.

The Nucleus provides energy for the neuron

The axon carries the neurons messages to other parts of the body.

The myelin sheath speeds up the neurons impulses and covers up the axon.

The soma or cell body is where the signals from the dendrites are joined and passed on.



Neuron Function: A nerve signal is an electrochemical signal called the action potential, The signal travels down the axon and is caused by the movement of positive ions traveling in and out of the axon.  Depolarization is when an incoming message stimulates a section of the axon which allows Na+ ions to enter the axon, This causes a chain reaction down the axon that moves continuously.


Synapse Structure:

The Axon stores, recycles and produces the neuro transmitter

The neuro transmitters are the chemical messages sent through the axon.

The dendrites receive the chemical messages and translate them.

The NT receptors receive the chemicals from the presynaptic membrane

The synaptic vesicles store the neurochemicals.



Synaptic Function:

The neurochemical signal is sent from the axon when the synaptic vesicle releases the neuro transmitter that then travels through the synaptic gap to reach the dendrite of the receiving neuron, The receiving neuron determines whether to send its own action potential based on the frequency of the received message.