
I learned a lot about fascism and its perspective(s) through this activity, and I enjoyed it.  It got me to look and understand an ideology that isn’t very present in today’s day and it is the least popular ideology overall.  It got me to look at how the fascists wanted total government control, no democracy, and strict laws, with no individualism.  This is the complete opposite of liberalism, which places a big part in the 21st century.  During the roundtable discussion, we wanted government more involved, we wanted immigration and did support the oil industry, but we did not support the protesting of citizens.  The most interesting thing about this activity was being able to hear all the perspectives of the ideologies and comparing them to one another.  This allowed me to personally choose which one I agreed with.  Finally, in the end, you had the chance to vote which also showed the perspective of the whole class.  There was nothing really challenging about it, which made it an even more enjoyable activity.