Narrative Poem

Glimmering Hope.

A sea.

One of light innocence and deep blue.

Curiosity and hope.

Carrying a quizzical young boy.

A boy eager for experiences.

Looking for a light to guide him.

A light so big its unmissable.

Accompanied by wise figures.

Grizzled figures.

Figures as powerful as an orchestra.

Guiding him to the light, the boy is astonished.

Face to face with hope.

Hope as vast as the moon.

Lit with light glistening on the deep water.

Lighting the young boys eyes up with a glimmer as shiny as glitter.

The young boy takes this hope and holds it tense.

So tense not even a shooting star can break this hope.

The night grows old.

This hope is timeless.

The young boy carries on.

Carries onto the abyss.

Deserting the hope.

Leaving it behind for another in need.

Knowing it will help them greatly.

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