In Dove Real Beauty Sketches, there are women who come in without a clue of what they’re doing. Two women are asked to meet with each other and talk and learn about each other. Then one of the women are asked to sit alone behind a curtain. On the other side is a forensic artist. He asks her to describe her appearance to him. Everything from her eyes, her jaw, her chin and everything in between. He makes out a portrait of her. Now the other woman is later told to sit behind the curtain and describe the woman she met with today. In the end there are two portraits of the woman: the one she described herself as, and the one the other woman described her as. The first portrait focuses more on flaws and what she didn’t like about her appearance. The second was a beautiful portrait that really displayed her beautiful features and focused on the positive things about her appearance. We need to focus on the beautiful things about ourselves and learn to love what we have. If we learn to focus on the beautiful things about ourselves, we can learn to love what we have.