Long term effects

Brent Bishop is new in town and is trying to fit in. To aid is reputation growth, he decides to go to a party. He becomes intoxicated thinking it will help boost his confidence to talk to Brianna, a girl he likes. He gets humiliated by her publicly, and he drives off in anger. Unable to control his emotions, he has thoughts of suicide. In attempt to kill himself, he ends up killing an innocent girl, Lea Zamora. He fortunately only is on probation but meets with her mother and expects more. Unexpectedly, she sends him on a journey to build 4 whirligigs and put them in the 4 corners of the United states in memory of her daughter.

An ongoing theme in this story is “One can cause a major impact, by an act of any size, without knowing it.”  Brent made such a major, careless act, and didn’t think, or know that it would have such a large ripple effect, in not only his, but many other lives too. These ripple effects can be negative, or positive. In Brent’s case, the murder was a negative effect. It caused anger and hurt in the Zamora’s home and much grief was felt, especially Mr Zamora. “The effects of an act traveled far beyond one’s knowledge… like a wave rolling out of sight.” ( pg. 70 & 71). This is a perfect quote, saying that the effects we have are like a wave rolling out of sight, meaning it has a long term effect on others so far we cant even see it, to the point of the unknown.

There were also postive effects made from this. The ripple effect from Brianna humiltiating Brent and ruining his reputation, to him making the fatal decision to kill himself, and with a failed attempt, kills a girl who had everything going for her, made a simple, small, positive effect. The entire book alternates chapters from Brent, to whoever is effected by the whirligigs. Lea’s whirligig, makes a good impact on people who need it. “But just incase unseen forces do exist, I pay my respects to them by keeping the whirligig painted and repaired.” ( pg. 32). This girl, is a tangible, logical girl. But this whirligig, gives her an insight on what its like to believe, and have hope. She states, she is not a mush- head dreamer but now, she does have respect for intangible things, and has changed her look on it. Lea’s spirit has helped a girl to open her mind. ” How does the influence of others impact our own lives?”. Lea’s spirit influenced many to have an insight on positivity and the only way that was possible was through Brent.