Tanya Harrison Google Hangout

Yesterday we had a Google hangout with a Ph.D student from Western Ontario named Tanya Harrison.

She works with the Mars rover and has a specialty of photography in that area. I really wanted to know what it was like working on the rover process. She responded saying that it was very stressful and busy. There are quite a few people doing work in their own area and the work days aren’t your typical 9-5 hours. They work on what called “Mars Time”. You work on the timeline of Mars, and since it has a different amount of time, each work day shifts a few hours, sometimes into the morning so you could be working from 2 am to 2pm. Tanya said that some shifts are as long as 14 hours! This makes things very stressful because there is no guarantee of the hours that you are working. I also asked how the environment made her feel and she again responded with busy and stressful but she overall likes it because she’s doing what she loves. Here is the video :

Matone DeChewit

Here below, my group members and I emailed Karishma and asked her if she wanted us to help her make a Instagram for Matone de Chiwit. image

Karishma said that she had people working on her Instagram. We thought since Karishma don’t need someone to make her a Instagram, that we should help promote what Karishma is doing to help.


Here is the photo of what 2 of the group members (including me) posted on Twitter to help promote Matone De Chiwit. image

Modeling Mitosis

Cell Membrane (White yarn on outside), Nucleus (White yarn inside), Chromatin (Pipe Cleaners), Spindle fibres (pink yarn), DNA (beads on ends of pipe cleaners).


 interphase (begining)

At the beginning of Interphase DNA is being copied.

Interphase (End)

Near the end the chromosomes are doubled. Spindle fibres are not visible at any part of interphase.



Replicated DNA molecules join together to form sister chromatids.



Chromosomes line up in middle of cell.



Sister chromatids separate into two halves. They move to opposite sides of the cell.




Spindle fibres disappear two new nuclear membranes form.



Cell divides into two.

Measuring Currents


Purpose: Construct a circuit from a circuit diagram and use an ammeter to correctly measure current.


-1.5 V Cell

-Various Bulbs

-Connecting wires



  1. Construct the following circuit, using one of the light bulbs
  2. Close the circuit briefly and measure the current. Open the current. Record the measurement in your data table.
  3. Repeat step 2 with the remaining bulbs



At the beginning we didn’t realize you could screw in the bulb so we had that as a problem very briefly.

We noticed that the longer we let the ammeter’s hand adjust the current lowers slightly.


Bulb Type (V) Measured Current (mA)
Large 200
Small 70
Oval 50

What did you find out?

Which circuit had the largest current?

The large bulb had the largest current

Which circuit had the smallest current?

The oval bulb had the smallest current

What is the purpose of the switch in this circuit?

To control the flow of electrons

When you measure an unknown current, you should start with the meter set to a large current scale and then decrease the scale. Explain the purpose of starting with a higher setting.

Because if there is a high voltage you could find the current faster and also more accurate while if the current was quite low you could adjust accordingly rather than starting off with the ammeters hand going off the scale right away.

Google Hangout with Karishma Bhagani

2) We did a Google hangout with Karishma Bhagani who goes to school at NYU. She is making a water filter for people in Mombasa, Kenya to clean their water so they can drink. bathe, and cook with it. Each filter will only cost $20 which is cheap. I think this is a great idea and hopefully it will work because it is a movement that could change the world.

3) How would you feel when you accomplish your goal of having clean drinking water in Kenya?       How did the idea come to you to create this foundation?

4) I learned that you can do anything if you put your mind to. Also, if you can make a change, why not do it.

The answer to our first question was: She would feel like she’s on top of the world!

One of the other questions were: What motivates you/ keeps you going with this project?

She responded saying to always stick with your roots. She was from Kenya and has been around poverty which inspired her to do what she’s doing. It makes her happy to help others which is really inspiring. when she saw the faces of families who got a purifier, that happiness, is keeping her going.

Currents From The Kitchen: Results


Results: A closed circuit produces electron flow in the orange

We found out by the volt meter telling us that nothing was happening.

It didn’t glow because the lightbulb we had didn’t worked.

We can make sure that the lightbulb works and all the wires are secure.

The closed circuit is causing the electrons to flow because it allows the electricity to flow.