Newfoundland Reflection

  1. I represent Newfoundland
  2. One of the biggest issues was the French fisherman taking our fish because that was our main sources of income and was the fuel of our economy and without it we were struggling to financially build on our own.
  3. We decided to make a law where the French fisherman cant use our waters and in return to the colonies, we will use our income to help with taxes and contributing to confederation
  4. At our preliminary stage we did originally not want to pay for the railroad, because we weren’t going to be using much of it, but by the final negotiation stage we had to give it up and pay a certain percent in order to get our ferry system.
  5. in the end, I was satisfied because we did end up getting the ferry system and our fishing laws in place which was a heavy benefit for our colony.
  6. In the end, I was satisfied with how things went because we got the major things we needed and only has to sacrifice minor things.