Desmos Art Functions Card 2018

For my Desmos project I started with my shoes and made it the origin of the graph. Then I worked upward and did the legs and did the body neck and head. Each of those were quite easy until I did the hair. The hair was a bit hard to do because I wasn’t sure which function I should choose but I found that a quadratic function resembled my straight hair quite well. Afterwards, I wanted to change my shoe shape so I did, which then made my legs the origin instead. I had troubles shading certain areas on my graph but I ended up figuring out exactly how to do it from a classmate which helped me for the rest of my project. I also had troubles doing the inverse with some of the functions but I ended up figuring it out on paper. An aha moment that I had was how the restrictions applied to the equations and actually seeing how it affected the graph made me understand functions more. As well as using transformations and how easily you can apply it to a previous function. After doing it for a while it made the rest of the project a lot easier like the snowman and the letters. I also learned throughout the project how to shorten a function using the x values as restrictions which made it easier depending if I was using x or y.

Canada WW1

1. In the First World War, Canada was obliged to join the war being a British Colony. But this time Canada was autonomous, so their decision must be in favour of the Canadians. Mackenzie king held a speech which was in favour of the war as well as Ernest Lapointe contributing, assuring Canadians conscription wouldn’t be an issue this time. This allowed Canadians and Quebec to feel more respected, making them more willing to join the war.

2. The BCATP was an organization the government made to train people for the war, specifically for aircrafts. This helped to prevent conscription so that people would be prepared and have the training. CD Howe’s total war economy was lead by CD Howe who controlled Canada’s economy in producing goods in favour for the war. Things like military vehicles and even more wheat and food.

3. Canada’s attitude toward WW1 was free-willingness and prepared for involvement.

WWI Cartoon

1) First is Serbia, then Austria, then Russia Germany, France and Britain.

2) the Theme of the yellow circles is alliance and treaty commitments. Austria and Germany created a “Dual Alliance” because Germany wanted to isolate France and in order to to so Germany made an alliance with Austria.

The theme is alliances because Russia, Britain, and France were in a triple entente. Serbia fits in because they were also fighting against Austria and Russia.

3) The theme is nationalism because they wanted to gain independence from Austria.

4) The theme is imperialism. Britain had so much power and Germany wanted to expand and ended up surpassing Britain. France also wanted to expand but wasn’t very successful.

5) The theme is Militarism. Britain had a “two power standard” and wanted to have double the amount of military forces. Germany and Britain were constantly in arms race, and Germany began to increase their defence budget.

6) It started with Serbia assasinating Austrian leader. Austria gave Serbia ultimatum and Serbia couldn’t fufill their request so they went to war. Germany then goes to war as well to back Austria up. Then Germany declares war with Russia because they are no longer able to keep up alliance. This causes France to order general mobilization to prepare for the predictable war. Germany then declares war on France. Britain then becomes involved because Germany invaded Belgium in order to go to war with France which was a violation.

7) They depict Serbia as a child because Serbia acted on impulse and very childish. They didn’t foresee the big impact the assasination would make. They title seems ironic because they all have so many interconnected alliances and secret treaties but they all end up in war and battling so saying “friendship” is a synonym of alliance but some were broken and certain countries were picking on others.


Pessimist/Malthusian- someone who believes that population will outstrip food supply which will lead to famines and disease

neo-Malthusian- someone that believes disaster will overtake populations in the worlds poorest developing countries in the next 50 years due to an increase in global warming, shortages in Arable land, conflict over fresh water etc.

Cornucopians/optimists- optimistic outlook on population growth

The Ted talk I think he is being an optimist. Although he states “ I am not an optimist, nor a pessimist” the way he approaches his ideas and thoughts is in a manor of hope and recognition of the new advancements we have now. At 4:50 he begins to explain is thought about what our future looks like in his eyes if we keep improving child survival which we have done courtesy of organization like UNICEF etc. This approach gives hope for our world in the future which poses an optimistic view.

I think the Kenya video is from a neo-Malthusian view because it first of all is showing the third world country turning to rubble. Around 10 mins into the video they are in hospital and it is shown that two young girls must share a bed and the doctors must work overtime “just to save lives”. This proves that they have barely enough resources and education (doctors) to help everyone. As well as the teacher trying to teach a class of 120 kids. She follows by saying “they are not receiving a quality education” which is a display of lack of resources for a heavy populated community. In 18:25 he talks about how there is famine coming about. There is support on this because one of their biggest supplying towns could not produce that year due to ruined land from the terrotist.  Around 20 mins in he introduces the young men fighting for land. One of them men when asked why they were fighting responded with this “we want more land, we want our people to be employed, we have nothing”. There is much conflict over resources which is resulting in disaster.



Italy Demographic Data

2) Italy’s dependence ratio is 54.4%. I would consider that to be slightly higher than desired because that is just over half the population depending on the rest, which is over half. So we have more people depending on others than providing.

3) I believe that a few decades ago there must’ve been a high birth rate because now there are a lot of people in the 40-55 age range. The birth rate now is now lower and has been at a steady rate for about a 20 years. Comparing from each 5 year interval, there seems to be more women then men in moat age ranges, but overall they have a close amount. This graph looks like a declining pyramid which is evident by the big hump going upwards and slowly shrinking. This is stage 5 in the DTM.

4) I think that what they have is good but an increase in birth rate slightly could help in the future to decrease the dependency ratio. A way to encourage these upcoming workers could be to have businesses to start becoming more welcoming to younger workers and advertising it. Also for schools to start encouraging students to get a job or go to post secondary for a higher paying job.