October 29

Volcano lab

  1. When you watched your volcano erupt, what did you notice about the “pyroclastic” flow? Describe it’s movement.

We tried to force the flow of the “lava” by ripping part of the volcano to flow toward the city we made. but even though we did the “lava” shot up so fast half went the other way anyway.

2.When you watched the videos of the Hawaiian Eruption from Mount Kilauea, what did you notice               about the way it interacted with the landscape?

It was burning everything, using the road to travel faster, anything in its way did not last long, houses are gone,

3. Why is the volcanic activity important for places like Hawaii?

so it can get more land mass? i mean nothing good came from that.. unless you were living beside a dog that never shut up… and well now you can enjoy the silence of a hot dog.. .


4. How did people respond to the volcanic activity?

Well of course everyone was sad, scared, and maybe a little at awe, but they know the will be able to continue life

5. Compare what you saw in the video to life here in Vancouver. What if the Coquitlam Mountain erupted, how would you respond?

Well, I would respond by putting a red bandanna on my head 2 stripes of war paint and grab my arisoft gun then be supper cool as I shoot the BB’s into the lava (i would burn a lot of stuff), cook hot dogs and stuff, I would have a blast! and because i live on a hill the lava should not be able to clime up the hill, so even if the lava went through poco i would live #survival of the fittest. then i would rent out boxes to people who lost there houses and make major profit. hehe well i would… but my mom would probably stop me….

Category: Geo12 | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 29

Earthquake kit

Over the weekend I looked through my earthquake kit, all food and water is up to date, We have extra clothes, The necessities, A hand crank radio, Some gloves and everything else, We do need new batteries but other then that we have everything to survive.

I also talked to my Mother and we do indeed have earthquake insurance.


Category: Geo12 | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 29

Documentary questions

1. This documentary used several pieces of evidence to support their claim that we are in a dangerous location. What were those pieces of evidence? List them.

1.The seduction zone near us

2. in a salt marsh deposit they found a spruce forest that can only grow on dry land. suggesting it was once up higher and then collapsed.

3. a record in japan showed that an earthquake far away that caused a tsunami to hit japan

4. the ghost forest was filled with trees hundreds of miles away. then one day thay all died like magic and they discovered the trees had died had a lined with the japan tsunami

5. native stories


2. Using the list of evidence above, explain why one of those pieces of evidence alone is not enough, but why together they make the documentary’s argument credible.

See the Native stories by them selves are not very reliable cause well that’s just it, they are stories nothing to back up the realism meaning that they could just be lies or made up.

the ghost forest could have just died by some kind of tree infection.

the japan thing could have started like just barely out of the range of the earth quake and had a mini tsunami


3. This documentary comments on the destruction a seismic event could have on Vancouver. Describe what you learned from this documentary on how Vancouver could be impacted.

we will be hit by strong shaking in the ground for a long period oh time (5-7 min), in indoniasia most of the damage was caused by the tsunami not the earthquake in BC it will be the other way around. no one knows what will happen to the high rises, some believe they will withstand the earth quake others think it will fall. but the old tall buildings are believed to fall. colaps of tall buildings will cause the most death in the quake.

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