In Morley Callaghan’s Short Story “Two Fisherman,” Micheal is a young fellow with a decent reputation trying to make his mark on the town in the reporting city job. He wants to, “get a reporter job on a city paper” (Callaghan 1). Michael shows a decent level of sophistication and education through his speech and ambition in his career. He is respected throughout the town due to his profession and education. “a smart young fellow” (Callaghan 1). Foster is a strong communicator; smitty a relatively closed off character opens up to foster as they share an outing on the lake. He fears that the people in the town will associate him with Smitty, and the mark that Smitty carries. He went as far as leaving the fishing boat at a different time than Smitty because, “he didn’t want to be seen walking back to town with Smitty” (Callaghan 5). Micheal shows that he is embarrassed to be around K.Smith in public; hes feels judged when walking around with Smitty.
Two Fisherman Micheal Forster character sketch
Thank you for posting your character sketch, based on the story “Two Fishermen” written by Morley Callaghan. Here are my observations regarding your work:
– Introductory sentence is well-written mentioning the character within the short story title and author (provides context)
– Utilizes two quotations, and they are properly integrated
– Provides great details and insight on the character that is being discussed
– Spelling and grammar mistakes are minimal
> Short Story “Two Fisherman,” Micheal is
short story “Two Fishermen,” Micheal is
– Response meets requirements
– Last sentence has a random “e” at the end.
Excellent character sketch and thank you for submitting!
Mr. Barazzuol
English Teacher