Caffeine is a stimulant meaning it will  counter the affects of alcohol but not in a very effective or safe way. The caffeine will make you feel energetic even though you are still intoxicated. This feeling could lead you to believe your fine to drive, the reason this is not safe is this could cause a faster increase in heart rate which could lead to a heart attack. Even worse your body will  stop  the feeling of energy from the caffeine and bring the effects of alcohol back at you with full force.

Myth Busters caffeine
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2 thoughts on “Myth Busters caffeine

  • October 20, 2017 at 6:33 pm

    This is a good start, Owen, but you did not support your argument with any sources. You could have developed your argument a bit more, as well.

  • October 20, 2017 at 7:03 pm

    Good start, Owen. However, you did not list the sources that you used to create your argument. You could have also expanded on your points a bit further.


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