Hi I am a gene. I live inside my human rob Marley . I brought him an unfortunate disease: Huntington. Usually, people between the ages 35-44 see the first symptoms. My humans mother Cheryl Marley also had me. That’s where I came from. If my rob has kids, they have a 50% chance of me ha ,can’t lose me .
Huntington Disease starts with mood cognition problems, then a quick transition into lack of coordination followed by Uncontrolled muscle spasms follow. also involved with this is , mental abilities weaken and lastly, my human has a chance of having a heart problems .
part 2 )
1)I had to research all affects the disease has on the person with it and his or her children.
3) I went on websites recorded note and wrote them down
4)I went to many different webs to see if they had the same info
5)I could have wrote a bit more but other than that Im good.