Science pop can questions
hypothesis: I think the can will not movie with out us touching it
Observations: The can is faster with how much closer you put the ballo0n toward the can
rubbing the balloon on your hair is really good for this electricity
When the can is dented it does not work well
Conclusions : The best option is hair and a balloon.
Discussion: What combinations worked the best why do you think they were effective? I thing hair and a balloon to me it made the most static electricity and made my pop can go the fastest
Static Electricity Lab
You are right. The strength of the force depends on how close the charged object it. Why do you think the balloon and the hair create the greatest charge?
Thank you. And I think balloon and hair create the most static charge because If you rub a balloon against your hair, the balloon will steal electrons from your hair. This leaves your hair positively charged and the balloon negatively charged. And the pop can is negative so they repel one another