Our Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3hmUUgV1fs


Collaboration Fluency Process. 

When we had first started this project I was a bit skeptical, thinking about how we would start, and who my future group partners would be. But when we were introduced to our partners it was great we started the real challenge. In my opinion, our group worked actually very well together, we easily communicated with one and other, everyone always did there part and most importantly were all ready to work and produce the best work they possibly could. During the process of filming our video everything all seemed to go very smoothly, with no arguments or disagreement. Some things that I personally would have liked to go back and change was adding more animation to our video, even though I do really like the product that we produced I think that taking that one more picture could have made the film flow so much better than it does. Some things that I really enjoyed and thought that our group worked well on was molding the clay to look like the respectable objects such as chromosomes, spindle fibers, etc. I really think that we did a great job on recreating the cells with clay and overall I really think that it helped the video shine a lot more. We started this project virtually not knowing anything about any of these challenges that we had to complete We all had our own tasks to complete and put all of our efforts into starting with Me as the technology guy: taking pictures, editing, etc. Then we had Jayden, bringing, helping create the clay models, and helped in the process of moving them to each picture. Then Finally we had Katie, she was mostly helping create the clay models for the video.think that learning the skill, and true power of working as one will help anyone in our world solve any challenges they may face in the future to come. During this project I was introduced to the art of collaboration for one of the very first times, and my experiences were awesome. The knowledge of working all together with different strengths and weaknesses, are things that ill hopefully never forget about in the future that’s waiting for us all.


Establish-  When we had just gotten into our new groups it took us a bit longer than I’d wanted to figure out if we would do Mitosis or Meiosis. But in the long run I’m glad we did Mitosis, because of the reason that we would feel rushed, and when someone’s rushed to do something, the work produced is always not as good as it could be with less stress and more time.


Envision- When we were thinking about this project, and how we were going to go about it, we imagined the product to not be just educational, but also very neat, tidy, and overall enjoyable to watch. We thought about what the final product was going to look like and I think that we did a good job working together as a group.


Engineer- Starting this project was a bit challenging: trying to set everything up, making sure nothing looked out of place etc. But when we got going we never slowed down, we were working at a fast pace, while still producing good content for anyone who watches to enjoy. My main job was the technology: taking pictures, editing, just making it all come together, and i found the process of filming and editing to actually be quite enjoyable.


Execute- When we started this project we weren’t too sure where to really start, but once we got going it was all uphill from there. We assigned jobs to each group member: bringing supplies, making things out of clay, etc. And since I’m pretty good with all things tech I was responsible for the filming, and editing, which I really enjoyed. We started by making all the things we would use for the video after we would film, move slightly and it went on for the course of the entirety of the film. After we had finished that part I put it all together and made it look even better.


Examine- After I was done all the editing we looked back at the project and thought that it looked great. I think that this project really helped everyone learn the power of collaboration, and how we could all use it to make the world a better place. I think that completing this project (as well as simply learning the skill of it) helps prepare us for the future in a big way, because with more minds at work the better anything will turn out.



Mitosis Stop Motion Group Project
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