Link to my Desmos Project:


Reflection Questions:

1. How did you figure out what equations to use?

By concentrating on the shape of the object and how it compared to the functions I learned in class, I was able to determine which equations to use. To find the right function, I also experimented a lot. Once I found a function that worked, I would apply it to shapes that were similar.

2. Did you have any challenges?

Yes I did encounter some challenges during this project. The hardest challenge for me was creating the lettuce of the burger. I had difficulties finding which functions to use and how to position them probably to create the texture of the lettuce. I also faced some challenges with keeping track of my work and making sure it was all kept organized in the folders.

3. Any aha moments?

As I was designing SpongeBob’s head, I experienced some “aha” moments. I was experimenting with various functions to determine what would give his head the right consistency. Although I attempted to use a Sin Graph, the shape did not work. I used a Cos Sine graph and, after much trial and error, made the best adjustments I could to make it fit SpongeBob’s head.

4. Did you get any help

Yes, I got some help from a friend who was in this class last year, and worked on her own Desmos project. She was able to assist me by demonstrating various equations that might be used as well as how she managed to keep her work organized.

5. Did you use any strategies?

I used replication by taking existing equations and changing them to create brand-new equations. I also concentrated on finishing the most challenging portion of my project before the minor details. Lastly I used Desmos’ slider feature to more precisely position my functions on the graph.

6. How did this assignment help you understand more about transformations of functions and relations?

This assignment helped me learn more about functions because it gave me the opportunity to modify and shape them by showing me how specific functions appear on a graph. Additionally, it showed me how to link various functions together and  it helped me understand the significance of Domain and Range.