Define: Our task is to design and establish a brand new and unique periodic table of elements. We are asked to follow the Solution Fluency procedure and use our imagination and creativity to re-design the Periodic table. We are aiming to push beyond a basic structure and create a model that is interesting, informative and visually appealing. We will use teamwork, ideas and effort to compose our periodic table. Our goal is to make our newly designed Periodic Table a true representation of our ideas, planning process and imagination.


These are some questions we developed to research and think about before brainstorming and starting our project.

How are we going to organize it?

What materials do we need to collect to make our project?

What materials do we have access to and can bring and use?

How much time do we have in class to complete this project?

How many elements are there in the periodic table and each category?

How could we make it interesting and fun for different age groups?

What colors should we use?

How can we make it visually appealing?

How many devices do we have to help us with information and ideas?

What functions do our devices contain?

What shapes, designs and model formats could we incorporate it into?

How will we get this done on time (time management, notes, schedule)?

How can we meet outside of school to finish the project?

How could we separate the tasks and divide the work evenly?

What research could we do to find different shapes and models we could use for our project?


These are some dreams and ideas that I thought of to solve this problem and create a brand-New Design of the Periodic Table. These dreams branch out against basic and simple ideas and show creativity and some crazy ideas. These ideas are exciting and

-We can make our New Periodic table into a Children’s novel and use drawings and different colors and themes to represent the elements.

-We can make our New periodic table into a pop culture advent calendar and use drawings and numbers to identify the elements.

-We can arrange our Periodic table by placing them in element categories, by increasing atomic number or alphabetically.

-We can design our New Periodic table into a fun rap song and sing about the elements and their properties. This would be a fun way of representing the elements for younger age groups. It will help them learn about the Periodic table in a creative way.

-We can create our new Periodic table into a modelling fashion shoot (model how the elements would appear in fashion style, use clothing to show the elements and the other important information)

-We can make a creative YouTube video or audio of us showing and explaining the elements and use pictures, music and different features to create it.

– We can create a 3D model (made from Lego bricks, online 3D model, or construction paper)

-We can incorporate colors into this project to define different element categories, draw pictures representing the elements and show the overall theme of the elements using colors and design.

 – We can shape it into a model or design that relates to chemistry (chemistry beaker, magnifying glass, test tube, an atom or Bohr model)


We are going to deliver our new periodic table in a creative and fun way using a model format. We are going to layout the Periodic elements in an envelope style form. The cover of the small envelope will have the Symbol and atomic number of the element; when it is opened it will contain the other information about the element such as the number of protons, neutrons, electrons, and atomic mass. It will show a small model of a Bohr model and we will use creative colors and designs to make it visually appealing. We will be organizing the elements by increasing atomic number and they will be glued to a background. For our background we chose to shape white construction paper into a science beaker, so it represents a chemistry related theme. We are evenly splitting up the work so we will each work on 39 elements for our model. We also have a planner of due dates to help us stay on track and work hard. I made a list of materials that are essential to making our project and help keep the planning process organized and clear.


This is a list of the materials we need to use, including  the overall design of our project.

Design: We will be creating small envelope forms of all the elements that contain important information about them. They will be complete with colors and pictures. They are going to be organized from increasing atomic number and will be glued onto a white construction paper background that is the shape of a chemistry beaker.

Materials: White construction paper , white paper, scissors, string, hot glue gun, coloring materials, ruler, pencils, erasers, fine liners, white out, staple gun, white out, pencils, fine liners.

List of materials we can bring:

Lexi: White construction paper and string

Olivia: White paper, pencil crayons, hot glue gun, scissors, ruler

Makayla: Staple gun, white out, fine liner

Arrangement: We will arrange the elements by increasing atomic number

Measurements of paper envelopes (8 cm by 6 cm)

Measurement of Wood background: ( 45 height, 25 length 15 width )

Dividing of work:

We will each do 39 elements (includes writing all the information, drawing models and coloring each element)

My task: To complete the elements 40-78.

Our New Periodic Table model:

These are pictures of our New Periodic table model taken from different points.


In my group we organized the work by dividing the number of elements up evenly. I was in charge of making the slips of paper for the poster; for the elements 40-78. The process of that went smoothly and I had all the right materials to support me. My group members and I rearranged the cards on the construction paper and drew an image for each element. We also met outside of school to work on our project and make sure we are on track. Overall I am proud of my work and our project because we worked very hard, we thought outside of the box, and we made a planner of all our materials. Although our project went quite smoothly, we did face some challenges such as the arrangement of all our elements. It was hard to organize the elements on the construction paper and I was worried we didn’t have enough space. But we worked it out by putting the slips of paper closer to each other and estimating how much space we would need and could fill up. Another challenge we faced was the images on some elements. Originally we were planning to draw a Bohr model on every element. Later we realized that this would be very hard as the numbers increased, and the space grew smaller. We resolved this issue by drawing the Bohr models up until a certain number and then completing the rest of the elements with images that represent how the element is used. There are some thing’s I would like to change for next time. I feel that our project would have looked better if we color coded the front of the paper slips according to the color they represent on the periodic table. I also could have worked on adding more information and making it clearer to read. The Solution Fluency method helped me stay organized, think critically and solve the problem I was challenged with in a  creative way.