1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities?

Your digital footprint can represent positive and helpful information or it can be negative and unwanted. You can shape your digital footprint into how you wanted to be recognized and viewed as. You have a huge responsibility of how you use social media and what outcomes it will have in the future. Your digital footprint follows you for the rest of your life and has an impact on your future career path and opportunities. It has an affect because it shows the person you are online and what you promote. Universities and colleges will look into your digital profile and can base large decisions off of what they find.  If they find inappropriate content this can also affect other job opportunities and keep continuing as businesses won’t want to employ you.

New Lappy.


2. Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

It is important to be aware of how to keep your digital footprint safe and appropriate for yourself and others. One strategy to keep your digital profile protected is to always double think before you post and send. Make sure you are comfortable with the results it could have in the future and know the outcome. Another strategy is to be very conscious and careful. This includes having protective passwords and being aware of what sites you are putting personal information into. Keeping profile’s private and knowing who is following you and who you follow is important. The third strategy is to check your setting’s regularly and make sure certain apps are allowing privacy and the right information. It is safe to know what data every app is collecting and how you can keep it protected and appropriate. The last strategy that keeps your digital profile safe is to delete old accounts and pages and not leave them unattended. This makes sure old information isn’t public and out there for other’s to view.

Sci Vis presentations, Educationuniversity

3. What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

I learned about your digital footprint and how it follows you for the rest of your life and has a large affect on your future, career, personal life and opportunities. It is important to make sure you are aware of how to make your digital profile safe and secure. I never knew about location service’s on your phone and how every app has information about you. I would remind other’s about this information for safety and awareness. For example if I saw someone post an inappropriate picture or display public data about them on a non trust able website I would respectively remind them about their digital footprint and how it effects them. It is helpful to let other’s know and spread information about your personal digital footprint. This helps others be safe online and maintain a clean and positive digital footprint.

Playing mommy for a week


Picture’s taken from Creative Commons

Link: https://creativecommons.org