Olivia's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Category: PE 9

Core Competency- Self Reflection- Unit 2 Health

Core Competency Self Assessment PE 9

This document contains my core competency self reflection for the health unit that I have covered in gym class this year.

Community Connections




Connections project I decided to interview a Biologics nurse clinician/coordinator who works at BC Children’s Hospital. Her name is Marliss Riou and she is responsible for managing the care of all patients that are on a certain type of medication known as “biologics”. She specializes in gastroentology. She ensures that they have the appropriate indications for receiving the drug, are properly screened prior to receiving the drug, have appropriate information regarding the drug and the treatment plan. Marliss is also responsible for ensuring that the medication has been approved by pharmacare for each particular patient. Once on the drug, she is responsible for monitoring all the patients status, drug levels, dosing, and is the main contact for each of these patients; should there be any clinical issues such as side effects or the drug is not operating. Marliss is responsible for around 180 patients. My mom helped me relate to Marliss through her work in the medical departement  and arrange her availabilty for me to ask her questions about her profession. I wanted to interview her because I have always been super passionate about working with children and find the human body and mind fascinating. I am very interested in a future career working at BC Children’s hospital in a possible branch of Neuropsychiatry,  Gastroneurology or the Children’s Heart Center. I  captured some pictures from BC Children’s Hospital and I gained so much knowledge to help me in my future journey working at BC Children’s Hospital. This was an eye-opening experience for me and allowed me to learn so much about a career at BC Children’s Hospital.

These are some pictures that I took while visiting BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver.


I visited BC Childrens Hospital planning to meet Marliss for a personal interview. Sadly  she was homesick and wasn’t able to meet. Instead I emailed her for my interview.

1. Why are you passionate about your job?

Because I know that when I come to work on a daily basis I am able to help patients and families in need.

2. What obstacles have you faced to get you where you are today?

It has been challenging on a personal level to get where I am career wise as I am a single mom with 3 kids! Both my parents have passed in the last couple of years and I have no family or support. Currenly I am finishing my grad school thesis also……The biggest obstacle in my work life up to this point has been not enough hours in the day to get everything done! There are many projects that I am managing at work and it is very hard to give those the attention that is needed plus still manage 180 patients that need me! Days are busy busy busy!

3. What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

Get general experience first, spend time in the front lines of nursing in order to develop confidence and skills. Then get yourself out there to see what is available and go after it! school is always a good idea! Work hard everyday but have a balance, life away from work is most important!

4. Would you be open to further contact from Riverside students and if so, how can someone contact you?

                                                  Sure – email

5. When did you realize you were passionate about this job and wanted to continue it in the future?

I have been at BCCH for over 20 years in various roles. I have not stayed in one particular area for more than a few years at a time. I think part of professional growth requires new challenges and change.

6. What type of classes, schooling and education are needed to get into this job?

Bachelor / Masters degree

7. What hours do you work, what does your weekly job schedule look like?

        M-F 7-3 (I have a very flexible schedule)

8. What traits, and qualities would you need to have to work in your position?

Confidence, experience, work well with others, able to zone in on problems and filter out the noise (it is a very busy role and I deal with hundreds of people a week); creativity, resourceful


This experience was very interesting and gave me a further insight to a career working with children. It allowed me to gain a lot of important information about the education, qualities and schooling needed to work at BC Childrens Hospital. This interview allowed me to connect with an individual with high experience in the working enviroment. It also enhanced my creativity, allowed me branch out to people with professions I am interested in, and prepare detailed questions. I will use the responses that Marliss provided me with to help me progress in my future plans and goals. I am inspired by the hardwork and dedication that Marliss puts into her job and the difference she is making for many families and patients in need. Marliss informed me that BC Childrens Hospital has many volunteer positions you can apply for and she would recommend me when I am meet the age requirements.  I will consider this option as it is a great way to gain experience. Overall this interview helped me gain so much knowledge and direct me to my path of working at BC Childrens Hospital.


Olivia Tuan

All images were take downtown Vancouver at BC Children’s Hospital



This site shows the department of medicine Marliss works for


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