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My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Category: Grade 9 (Page 1 of 2)

English Honours 9 Core Competencies

Here is my English Honours 9 Reflection:

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Here are my artifacts:

Grammer video

Flipbook project

FEC Composition

Pathways to Theme- Ada’s Violin 

Novel Summative Assignment

Core Competency- Self Reflection- Unit 2 Health

Core Competency Self Assessment PE 9

This document contains my core competency self reflection for the health unit that I have covered in gym class this year.

Grammer Video Project- ”Appositives: Restrictive and Non-restrictive Phrases.”

Grammar rule video: ”Appositives-Restrictive and Non-restrictive Phrases”

My partner for the grammar video project is Alexandra https://myriverside.sd43.bc.ca/alexandraz2019/. We were assigned the topic of Appositives: Restrictive and Non-Restrictive. This assignment allowed me to dig deeper into this grammar rule and helped me have a clearer understanding of  Appositives. I learned about how and when they are used, and the importance they make in writing. I was surprised about how often Appositive are incorporated into my writing and how crucial of a skill they are to provide more information and detail to the readers.  Our video includes visuals, examples and a lesson plan to help readers learn about Appositives in an educational and engaging way.


Grammer rule paragraph:

An appositive phrase consists of a noun or a whole phrase that helps redefine the noun beside it. Appositives are used to give more description to a specific thing and help the reader have a better understanding of the context. Appositives can be found in the middle, front or end of a sentence depending on the structure of the sentence and can be separated with commas.


  1. My friend Daniel is coming to my house this weekend.

Explanation: ”Daniel” is the appositive in this phrase because it is redefining the noun  ‘’friend’’ with more information.

  1. My dog, a chocolate Labrador, gets excited when I take him for walks.

Explanation: ‘’a chocolate Labrador’’ is the appositive because it is describing the noun ”dog” and supplying further detail about the animal.

  1. Alexandra and I saw sea turtles, relaxing by the shore, in Mexico.

Explanation: ‘’relaxing by the shore’’ is the appositive because it is helping describe the  noun ‘’sea turtles’’ with an adjective.

Restrictive Appositives:

Restrictive appositives are necessary for the appositive phrase; without them the sentence would not be complete and give the reader enough information. Restrictive appositives narrow down the noun it’s redefining and do not have commas around it.

Non – Restrictive Appositives:

Non-Restrictive appositives are not necessary for the appositive phrase and are used to add extra detail and information. You could still understand the sentence without non-restrictive appositives, and they have commas surrounding them on both sides.


  1. A) Samantha’s final volleyball game was played against a tough opponent, a former national champion.

Explanation: ‘’a former national champion’’ is a non-restrictive appositive phrase because without it you can still understand that the opponent is tough and hard to beat. It provides extra non-essential information to the phrase. It also has commas surrounding it.

  1. B) Our team’s final volleyball match is being played in Calgary.

Explanation: ‘’Calgary’’ is the restrictive appositive phrase because without it the sentence wouldn’t make sense. It is essential to the phrase and has no commas surrounding it.

  1. A) Canada, located in the northern part of North America, is famous for their maple syrup.

Explanation: ‘’located in the northern part of North America’’ is a non-restrictive appositive phrase because there is only country named Canada and we can understand the sentence without the added information. It gives extra detail and is surrounded with commas.

  1. B) My family is visiting the country Canada to try their maple syrup.

Explanation: ‘’Canada’’ is a restrictive appositive because without this word the sentence would be lacking important information. There are no commas surrounding the phrase and it is essential.


Test Questions:

1. Identify the appositive in each of these sentences listed below.

a) Jackie who is from Canada doesn’t like to go swimming.
b) My sister Chloe doesn’t like reptiles.
c) The neighbour who is 29 years old slipped on a banana.
d) My brother Fred is turning 11 this year.
e) The Queen of Canada Queen Elizabeth 11 has owned over thirty corgis in her lifetime.

2. Identify whether or not this is a restrictive or non-restrictive sentence.

a) The spider an eight-legged arachnid is crawling up my window.
b) My brother Rob has been to the desert.
c) My cousin who lives by the park is an exceptional soccer player.
d) Only people who went to university can become a doctor.
e) A brilliant scientist Lindsay is going to the park to observe the nature around her.

3. True or False: Is this a non-restrictive sentence?

“My brother, who is ten years older than me, is going fishing on the weekend.”

4.  True or False: Is this a non-restrictive sentence?

“My brother Fred is going to the Olympics.”

5. True or False: Is this a restrictive sentence:

“My cousin Rob, who is an exceptional soccer player, hangs out at the beach.”


1. a) who is from Canada
b) Chloe
c) who is 29 years old
d) Fred
e) Queen Elizabeth 11

2. a) non-restrictive
b) restrictive
c) non-restrictive
d) restrictive
e) non-restrictive

3. True

4. False

5. False


  1.  All of the stickers are from: https://giphy.com/
  2.  Animation made on: https://office.live.com/start/powerpoint.aspx
  3.  The song in the background: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvHjvB9v6F0
  4.  Helped a lot about what an appositive is: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/grammar/punctuation-the-comma-and-the-apostrophe/more-ways-to-use-commas/v/appositives-the-comma-punctuation-khan-academy
  5.  What an appositive is: https://www.chompchomp.com/terms/appositive.htm
  6.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84LcScfPMFE



Community Connections




Connections project I decided to interview a Biologics nurse clinician/coordinator who works at BC Children’s Hospital. Her name is Marliss Riou and she is responsible for managing the care of all patients that are on a certain type of medication known as “biologics”. She specializes in gastroentology. She ensures that they have the appropriate indications for receiving the drug, are properly screened prior to receiving the drug, have appropriate information regarding the drug and the treatment plan. Marliss is also responsible for ensuring that the medication has been approved by pharmacare for each particular patient. Once on the drug, she is responsible for monitoring all the patients status, drug levels, dosing, and is the main contact for each of these patients; should there be any clinical issues such as side effects or the drug is not operating. Marliss is responsible for around 180 patients. My mom helped me relate to Marliss through her work in the medical departement  and arrange her availabilty for me to ask her questions about her profession. I wanted to interview her because I have always been super passionate about working with children and find the human body and mind fascinating. I am very interested in a future career working at BC Children’s hospital in a possible branch of Neuropsychiatry,  Gastroneurology or the Children’s Heart Center. I  captured some pictures from BC Children’s Hospital and I gained so much knowledge to help me in my future journey working at BC Children’s Hospital. This was an eye-opening experience for me and allowed me to learn so much about a career at BC Children’s Hospital.

These are some pictures that I took while visiting BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver.


I visited BC Childrens Hospital planning to meet Marliss for a personal interview. Sadly  she was homesick and wasn’t able to meet. Instead I emailed her for my interview.

1. Why are you passionate about your job?

Because I know that when I come to work on a daily basis I am able to help patients and families in need.

2. What obstacles have you faced to get you where you are today?

It has been challenging on a personal level to get where I am career wise as I am a single mom with 3 kids! Both my parents have passed in the last couple of years and I have no family or support. Currenly I am finishing my grad school thesis also……The biggest obstacle in my work life up to this point has been not enough hours in the day to get everything done! There are many projects that I am managing at work and it is very hard to give those the attention that is needed plus still manage 180 patients that need me! Days are busy busy busy!

3. What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

Get general experience first, spend time in the front lines of nursing in order to develop confidence and skills. Then get yourself out there to see what is available and go after it! school is always a good idea! Work hard everyday but have a balance, life away from work is most important!

4. Would you be open to further contact from Riverside students and if so, how can someone contact you?

                                                  Sure – email

5. When did you realize you were passionate about this job and wanted to continue it in the future?

I have been at BCCH for over 20 years in various roles. I have not stayed in one particular area for more than a few years at a time. I think part of professional growth requires new challenges and change.

6. What type of classes, schooling and education are needed to get into this job?

Bachelor / Masters degree

7. What hours do you work, what does your weekly job schedule look like?

        M-F 7-3 (I have a very flexible schedule)

8. What traits, and qualities would you need to have to work in your position?

Confidence, experience, work well with others, able to zone in on problems and filter out the noise (it is a very busy role and I deal with hundreds of people a week); creativity, resourceful


This experience was very interesting and gave me a further insight to a career working with children. It allowed me to gain a lot of important information about the education, qualities and schooling needed to work at BC Childrens Hospital. This interview allowed me to connect with an individual with high experience in the working enviroment. It also enhanced my creativity, allowed me branch out to people with professions I am interested in, and prepare detailed questions. I will use the responses that Marliss provided me with to help me progress in my future plans and goals. I am inspired by the hardwork and dedication that Marliss puts into her job and the difference she is making for many families and patients in need. Marliss informed me that BC Childrens Hospital has many volunteer positions you can apply for and she would recommend me when I am meet the age requirements.  I will consider this option as it is a great way to gain experience. Overall this interview helped me gain so much knowledge and direct me to my path of working at BC Childrens Hospital.


Olivia Tuan

All images were take downtown Vancouver at BC Children’s Hospital



This site shows the department of medicine Marliss works for


Power of the Mind

My heartbeat pounded like the banging of wooden sticks against strawberry yogurt containers. “One more time,” I pleaded, feeling my head whirl like a Ferris wheel. “Ok,” she grinned, launching me up from the dusty brown carpet. She clasped onto my sweaty hands as I gazed into her gleaming olive eyes. I felt a wave of exhilaration flow through me as blurs of color filled my vision. She howled with laughter as I was hurled onto the old sofa and landed with a powerful force opening of the crackling seams that lined the edges. “I remember that time like it was yesterday,” she cried, beaming in my direction. I was sprawled against her plaid bed sheet watching her snuggled into her covers. “It’s my first day of middle school tomorrow;” she exclaimed nervously to me.”I don’t know what to wear, how to act?” “What if people make fun of me for carrying around my favorite novel.” ”I don’t want to be the nerd with no friends,” she uttered with a panicked expression. “Don’t worry,” I confronted her; ”it will just be me and you tomorrow.” “We can both blend in, and no one will even know we were there;” I said confidently. “Your right,” she agreed. “Goodnight,” she whispered. “Goodnight,” I said back.

“Let’s get going;” she declared, as the bright yellow bus came to a stop. As I entered the massive school I paused and looked around. Everyone was wearing the trendiest clothes and walking with their large group of friends. I peered down at her and criticized her wrinkled blue tee and basic blue jeans. “Why would you choose to wear that?” I grumbled.”What did I think,” she agreed anxiously.” “Just look down and blend to the sides,” I insisted. “Your right,” she responded. 

As lunch approached, I made sure to sit in an empty hallway, as that wouldn’t cause attention to herself. As she was walking towards the destination, the mountain of books she was carrying exploded from her arms and flew in various directions along the narrow middle school hallways.
“How humiliating,” I groaned. A tall boy with a bright blue sweater and curly black hair came up to her and started fetching her supplies off the ground. “He’s only doing that because he feels bad for you;” I protested. Her face became pink and flushed with embarrassment as she scurried around, retrieving her items. As he picked up the last book, he admired the title, and his face instantly lit up with excitement. “This is my all-time favorite novel; I heard the sequel is coming in March.” She impulsively gazed into his hazelnut eyes and started to speak about her favorite character eagerly. “What are you doing?” I exclaimed, ”he is way too good for you.”
“Your hair is a mess, and you probably have food stuck between your uneven teeth.” “Just pick up your books and leave.” She paused defeatedly and told him she had to go while swiping the novel from his hand. ” Thank god I have your back;” I reassured her. “Wait,” the boy hollered and started walking towards her with a hopeful expression on his face. He excitedly asked her to join the book club that he was apart of. “Do you want to be an even bigger nerd?” I laughed. I stood there waiting for her to turn back around but she smiled at him and walked the other direction. “What do you think you’re doing?” I asked. “He is just saying this because he knows you have no friends.” “Maybe I should get to try something new and meet new people, she argued.” “Yeah, and make yourself the biggest dork in the school, trust me; I know what’s best for you lets just eat lunch together and pretend as if this never happened.” She flinched, pulling my direction but then stopped herself. “No,” she replied I can do this by myself I don’t need you anymore.” My words felt like they were being ripped from my throat. “I am all you have and will ever have” I cried out. I felt a great force knock me off my feet. I could feel the throbbing of my own heart, and ringing screams vibrated in my ears. Sweat trickled down my skin as fiery flames engulfed my body. I desperately clawed onto a surface, screaming for an escape. The torturing pain overpowered me, as I collapsed to the ground, crushed and lifeless.
She turned to the boy and smiled. “What’s your name?” she asked. ”Braden,” he replied, ”and you?” “I’m Roxie.”

Power Information Fluency Project ( Tidal energy)


1.What area of water works best for tidal energy turbines and machines to power in?  Is there a specific type of water that allows them to improve and work faster?


2. What countries have better access to tidal energy and have implanted it into their ecosystem?


3. What is the process of renewable energy being used and cycled through tidal machines?


4. How is tidal energy a useful energy production and what benefits does it display?


5.  How long does it take for tidal energy turbines to be built and implanted into the water?


6.  Who designed a tidal energy turbine and came up with this helpful source of energy? When was it invented?


7. How can our country (Canada) use tidal energy in a useful way and what benefits can this make to our waters, air  and environment?


8. How is Tidal energy better and more efficient in our waters compared to other sources of energy such as Wave energy?



9. What materials are used in tidal energy turbines and how much money do tidal energy machines cost?


10. Are there different models of turbine machines? How are they different from each other?  Do they produce the same benefits?

This is an image of Tidal energy machines implanted along the water

FLOWLIGHT - Renewable Energy Product

“FLOWLIGHT – Renewable Energy Product” by Shane Molloy is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0


What is Tidal energy?

Tidal energy is an energy source that can be renewed and is moved by the force of the oceans flow, current and tidal ranges. Tidal energy uses the pull of gravity from the earth to create energy. It is in the form of many different machines and works to convert the energy from the tide into forms of natural electricity and power.

When was Tidal energy invented?

Tidal energy was first recognized and established on November 26, 1996.  Charles de Gaulle;  the president of France  was the first person to open a power station in Brittany, France on the Rance Estuary. This new power source was made by an electric company in France called EDF. It was placed on the creek of Saint-Malo on the Atlantic ocean as there are many tide and ocean currents in that area. This power source has 24 fast turbines to convert the oceans energy into power for the country. This power station has been successful and the country is still using it for helpful and renewable resources. It was very costly to built, but France has gained 600 million kilowatt of electricity yearly. France uses this energy opposed to other energies that involve the wind or air. It is much more dependable and tides are always rising and dropping. Other countries that have access to tidal energy are Scotland and South Korea. Between 2002 and 2003 Scotland founded the biggest tidal energy project in Europe. Between 2003 and 2010 the Sihwa Lake tidal project in South Korea was built. United Kingdom and Canada have also installed tidal power projects into their countries.


What variations and different models of Tidal energy machines exist?

There are many different styles of turbine machines that are used for tidal energy. I will be explaining the 3 tidal generators used, their model structure and how they are unique and different from each other.


Tidal streams:

Turbines are usually placed in tidal streams. Tides create quick flowing of water which is a tidal stream. Turbines are created to transfer the energy from the body of water and turn it into natural power. Turbines are best when placed in shallow waters and this allows the turbine to move more affectedly and power more energy. Ships can avoid these turbines in low waters and the tidal turbine moves slowly so animals can keep away from getting harmed.


Tidal barrages:

Tidal barrages are placed in bays, estuaries and tidal rivers. This design of the barrage allows water to come through the top or travel through the turbines in the dam since the dam is shallow. The opening of the barrage closes and opens depending on tide height. If the tide is high the barrage gate shuts and allows the water to turn into a pool; once the tide is low the barrage gate closes allowing water to come through. Once the water comes through the barrage it is released into the barrages turbine and then turns into energy and power. Overall the energy from the tides makes the turbine spin and compresses the air to form electricity. Tidal barrages are built with materials including ridges, turbines, heavy ship locks and are stored in huge concrete blocks.


Tidal lagoons:

Tidal lagoons are similar to Tidal barrages and complete the same water turbine process however there are some differences. Tidal lagoons are placed along coastlines and they are constantly making energy. The lagoon is repeatedly and filling and emptying  and the tidal energy machine work to make power in that area of water. These Tidal lagoons are built with materials such as hard rocks and cement.

This is the website that I accessed this video from


MLA citation website:

Kabeya, Annick. Tidal energy, Student energy. Accessed 6 Nov 2019. https://www.studentenergy.org/topics/tidal-power.


What are the pro’s and con’s of tidal energy?


Tidal energy is a renewable energy source and it is natural and friendly to the ecosystem. It doesn’t take up massive space and doesn’t release any toxic or harmful gases into the environment. The ranges of the tide are also dependable and exist daily. The tidal energy machines are capable of handling high and low tides and the equipment is durable and strong. Aside from this; tidal energy is also efficient and can produce energy at low tides. This is because water has 1000 times more density than air which makes it possible for it produce this energy. The tidal power station that opened in 1966 in  France is still powering and creating renewable energy. This is an example of how tidal energy machines can last a long time and can create large amounts of energy.



Although tidal energy can be very resourceful and helpful to energy production and the environment; there are some concerns and issues with this form of energy. Tidal energy machines are placed closed to land and this can interfere with machinery, and technological working areas. Tidal energy is also very expensive to implant as it is a new form of energy and technology. Electromagnetic release can also be irritating to sea life. There was an observation of how this discharge can harm the ability for Coho salmon to find food and avoid predators. Although there needs to be more advanced research for the relationship between animals and electromagnetic emissions, there are some evidence of negative impacts with sea life.

This is an image of the ocean tide

abstract, adventure, background

I accessed this image from the website ”Pexels”


Tidal energy compared to wave energy?

Wave energy:

Wave power is the movement of energy through the waves and flow of the ocean. The pull of kinetic force allows waves energy to generate power. The wave energy machines contain objects that will move and shake in the water. This movement will create a small amount of energy to the machine causing wave energy. The machines used for creating wave energy are buoys floating in the ocean.  Swaying water columns and water channels are also used in useful ways to generate energy. Wave energy is a renewable energy source; and waves along with  rising tides are dependable and predictable to occur. Wave energy has generates a large amount of power. A wave area that is measured to be around less than half a square mile of the ocean can create enough energy for 20,000 houses. Although wave energy can have many positive benefits there are some concerns with this energy source. Wave energy is a new type of technology so it is very expensive and requires money from the government to make it function. Wave energy also requires regular supporting and maintenance. Another concern is that wave energy areas on the shore, near shore or on land can cause some issues with development, building and people in that area. There also needs to be more information and advanced research about its impacts underwater, effects with animals and other issues.

This is an image of a Tidal energy machine located in the ocean

Pelamis P2 wave energy device

“Pelamis P2 wave energy device” by Scottish Government is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Tidal vs Wave energy:

These two energies are very similar to each other as they both involve machines that generate energy from water sources. They also have similar pro’s and cons. The cons are that they are both costly, and involve the same concerns, and issues. The pro’s are that they are both renewable, clean and are new technologies of energy. They both generate a large amount of energy and have different variety’s of machines. There are some differences such as tidal energy uses the gravitational pull from the earth to power energy while wave energy uses kinetic energy. Tidal energy machines are also located on coastlines and have many energy machines used in different locations. Wave energy machines are located in the water, on shore, offshore and near shore. Overall these energies are very resourceful and involve a deeper extent of research to improve their functioning.



My statement to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:

After researching my questions about Tidal energy I have become more educated on this topic and think that Tidal energy is a great renewable source. North America’s only functioning Tidal energy plant is located at Annapolis, Nova Scotia.It produces 80-100 megawatts of electricity annually for Nova Scotia’s electrical system. Tidal energy is a long-lasting, efficent, clean and generates a lot of electricity. Using this source of power can help generate electricity in so many homes and reduce the amount of greenhouse emissions. There are many estuaries along the coast of British Columbia that can be used for tidal energy. The Ungava Bay in Northeastern Canada has fairly high tides. There are also more areas with higher tides than waves. Compared to wave energy, tidal energy doesn’t involve constant maintenance as it is self-sufficient. Tidal energy is cautious of marine life and the slow turning turbines don’t disrupt or harm wildlife. Our country can  weigh out the statistics and find out which areas don’t have access to electricity, and have the proper space and area to implant these machines. Tidal energy is also free from loud noise and doesn’t disrupt people or buildings.  The biggest concern with Tidal energy is it’s cost and the funding from the government. I think that there does need to be more research done with Tidal energy and Canada can promote Tidal energy to their country to get others more educated. We can also fund money for Tidal energy research organizations and discuss the future of Tidal energy in our country. Canada is known for it’s effort towards creating a healthy, and clean ecosystem. Using this type of energy can lead to more renewable oppurtunties and can get other’s involved and interested in Eco-friendly energies. Although tidal energy is a newer technology and needs further research I think it should be deeply discussed by the government and we can take small actions to fund for Tidal energy and use our energy in a reusable way. The Tidal energy plants in France are a great success and have helped the country in so many positive ways. Canada should take insight of other country’s actions towards tidal energy and renewable sources. The future of a green earth is renewable tidal energy.

The forest and the trees are in the light. Concepts of environmental conservation and global warming plant growing inside lamp bulb over dry soil in saving earth concept FLOWLIGHT - Renewable Energy Product

I accessed this photo from the website ”Pexels”                                                 “FLOWLIGHT – Renewable Energy Product” by Shane Molloy is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0


I worked very hard on this project and followed all the steps to complete the Information fluency method. I chose a topic I was interested and passionate about and learned so much new information about Tidal energy. I learned the process of it, the issues and positive effects, the different machines, and compared it to other energy sources. I was very interested in learning about how renewable energy sources can make a great impact in our lives and all over the world. I developed detailed questions of my topic before starting my research.  I focused on branching out onto different websites and finding accurate and true data. I found my images on Pexels and Creative Commons and used Youtube, Google and Gale to find my research. I examined each website critically and used multiple websites to match my information. I also developed new skills of reading about the author, illustrator  and understanding the websites motive and value. I cited all my work in the MLA format and organized my research in a neat matter. I also got to take my knowledge and findings and create my own opinion and response about my view of Tidal energy. I am proud of the detail, time, and effort I put into this project. Reflecting back on my process there are some improvements I could have made.  I could have added more detailed questions that are specific to Canada and it’s use of Tidal energy. I also could have made my research more detailed and interesting. I also could have spent more time finding websites that I haven’t used and branch out from my comfort zone. Overall I am pleased with my work and excited to learn more about Tidal energy and other renewable sources that can benefit Canada.


Other sources and websites used (MLA format):

Alcorn, Raymond. Wave energy, Science direct, Accessed 8 Nov 2019. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/wave-power.

Wave energy Pro’s and Cons, energy informative, Accessed 8 Nov 2019. https://energyinformative.org/wave-energy-pros-and-cons/.

Tidal energy, National Geographic, Accessed 6 Nov 2019. https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/tidal-energy/.

“Riding the waves.” Earth Island Journal, Winter 2014, p. 6+. Gale In Context: Science, Accessed 9 Dec 2019. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A353319114/GPS?u=43sbo&sid=GPS&xid=3146830e.

R.H, Clark. Tidal Energy, The Canadian Encyclopedia, Accessed 8 Nov 2019. https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/tidal-energy.

Tidal water turbines in the tidal current of the sea WROCLAW, POLAND- SEPTEMBER 09th, 2016: Man launches Tidal application on Samsung A5. Tidal is a subscription-based music streaming service that combines lossless audio and high definition music                                                                                                              I accessed these image from the website ”Pexels”





Uses of Static Electricity: Car Painting

Electrostatics in Spray Painting

This is my power point presentation of how static electricity is used to paint cars.

Note: I tried to fully explain brief notes in full detail and depth 🙂

TOKTW 2019

This is my TOKTW Reflection sheet:

TOKTW Reflection Sheet 2016- Oliva Tuan

These are pictures taken the day I went to work experience:


                A display of Susans office, and home decor                         Display of previous books of tabletop designs 


Welcoming sign for my experience              Susan working at her office at home        Susan taking buisness calls and organizing work

This is a link to the ”Tabletops by Susan” website and blog:


Susan also has an upcoming book labelled ”Best Dressed Tables” which will be available on Amazon and at select gift stores in early December!


A Fresh Look at the Periodic table

Define: Our task is to design and establish a brand new and unique periodic table of elements. We are asked to follow the Solution Fluency procedure and use our imagination and creativity to re-design the Periodic table. We are aiming to push beyond a basic structure and create a model that is interesting, informative and visually appealing. We will use teamwork, ideas and effort to compose our periodic table. Our goal is to make our newly designed Periodic Table a true representation of our ideas, planning process and imagination.


These are some questions we developed to research and think about before brainstorming and starting our project.

How are we going to organize it?

What materials do we need to collect to make our project?

What materials do we have access to and can bring and use?

How much time do we have in class to complete this project?

How many elements are there in the periodic table and each category?

How could we make it interesting and fun for different age groups?

What colors should we use?

How can we make it visually appealing?

How many devices do we have to help us with information and ideas?

What functions do our devices contain?

What shapes, designs and model formats could we incorporate it into?

How will we get this done on time (time management, notes, schedule)?

How can we meet outside of school to finish the project?

How could we separate the tasks and divide the work evenly?

What research could we do to find different shapes and models we could use for our project?


These are some dreams and ideas that I thought of to solve this problem and create a brand-New Design of the Periodic Table. These dreams branch out against basic and simple ideas and show creativity and some crazy ideas. These ideas are exciting and

-We can make our New Periodic table into a Children’s novel and use drawings and different colors and themes to represent the elements.

-We can make our New periodic table into a pop culture advent calendar and use drawings and numbers to identify the elements.

-We can arrange our Periodic table by placing them in element categories, by increasing atomic number or alphabetically.

-We can design our New Periodic table into a fun rap song and sing about the elements and their properties. This would be a fun way of representing the elements for younger age groups. It will help them learn about the Periodic table in a creative way.

-We can create our new Periodic table into a modelling fashion shoot (model how the elements would appear in fashion style, use clothing to show the elements and the other important information)

-We can make a creative YouTube video or audio of us showing and explaining the elements and use pictures, music and different features to create it.

– We can create a 3D model (made from Lego bricks, online 3D model, or construction paper)

-We can incorporate colors into this project to define different element categories, draw pictures representing the elements and show the overall theme of the elements using colors and design.

 – We can shape it into a model or design that relates to chemistry (chemistry beaker, magnifying glass, test tube, an atom or Bohr model)


We are going to deliver our new periodic table in a creative and fun way using a model format. We are going to layout the Periodic elements in an envelope style form. The cover of the small envelope will have the Symbol and atomic number of the element; when it is opened it will contain the other information about the element such as the number of protons, neutrons, electrons, and atomic mass. It will show a small model of a Bohr model and we will use creative colors and designs to make it visually appealing. We will be organizing the elements by increasing atomic number and they will be glued to a background. For our background we chose to shape white construction paper into a science beaker, so it represents a chemistry related theme. We are evenly splitting up the work so we will each work on 39 elements for our model. We also have a planner of due dates to help us stay on track and work hard. I made a list of materials that are essential to making our project and help keep the planning process organized and clear.


This is a list of the materials we need to use, including  the overall design of our project.

Design: We will be creating small envelope forms of all the elements that contain important information about them. They will be complete with colors and pictures. They are going to be organized from increasing atomic number and will be glued onto a white construction paper background that is the shape of a chemistry beaker.

Materials: White construction paper , white paper, scissors, string, hot glue gun, coloring materials, ruler, pencils, erasers, fine liners, white out, staple gun, white out, pencils, fine liners.

List of materials we can bring:

Lexi: White construction paper and string

Olivia: White paper, pencil crayons, hot glue gun, scissors, ruler

Makayla: Staple gun, white out, fine liner

Arrangement: We will arrange the elements by increasing atomic number

Measurements of paper envelopes (8 cm by 6 cm)

Measurement of Wood background: ( 45 height, 25 length 15 width )

Dividing of work:

We will each do 39 elements (includes writing all the information, drawing models and coloring each element)

My task: To complete the elements 40-78.

Our New Periodic Table model:

These are pictures of our New Periodic table model taken from different points.


In my group we organized the work by dividing the number of elements up evenly. I was in charge of making the slips of paper for the poster; for the elements 40-78. The process of that went smoothly and I had all the right materials to support me. My group members and I rearranged the cards on the construction paper and drew an image for each element. We also met outside of school to work on our project and make sure we are on track. Overall I am proud of my work and our project because we worked very hard, we thought outside of the box, and we made a planner of all our materials. Although our project went quite smoothly, we did face some challenges such as the arrangement of all our elements. It was hard to organize the elements on the construction paper and I was worried we didn’t have enough space. But we worked it out by putting the slips of paper closer to each other and estimating how much space we would need and could fill up. Another challenge we faced was the images on some elements. Originally we were planning to draw a Bohr model on every element. Later we realized that this would be very hard as the numbers increased, and the space grew smaller. We resolved this issue by drawing the Bohr models up until a certain number and then completing the rest of the elements with images that represent how the element is used. There are some thing’s I would like to change for next time. I feel that our project would have looked better if we color coded the front of the paper slips according to the color they represent on the periodic table. I also could have worked on adding more information and making it clearer to read. The Solution Fluency method helped me stay organized, think critically and solve the problem I was challenged with in a  creative way.



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