Five Themes of Geography

There are five different themes of geography. The first one is regarding location. There are two differnt types of location, absolute and relative. Absolute location is a location you could pin point on a map eaither using longitude and latitude or an address. 49.2625° N, 122.7811° W is the absolute location of Port Coquitlam. Relative location is a location that could refer to more than one direction depending on where your starting point is. When saying Port Coquitlam is East of Vancouver you are using a relative location. The second theme of geography is regarding place. There are two different ways to describe place. There is physical landscape and cultural landscape. Physical landscape is what non- man made features are in that location like trees, bodies of water, and mountains. One of Port Coquitlams physical features is the fraser river. Cultural landscape is the man made features of a location like pools, golf coarses, and buildings. Gates park is an example of a cultural landscape. The third theme of geography is regarding regions. There are three types of regions, formal, functional, perceptual. A formal region is boundaries that can be found on a map like countries, provinces, and cities. Port Coquitlam in it self is a formal region. A functional region is one that is grouped together for a functional reason, these are not formaly labeled. The tri-cities are grouped together in Port Coquitlam for  educational purposes this would be considered a functional region. A perceptual region is a region we make up in our heads that only locals are familiar with an example of this would be the South side of Port Coquitlam verse the North side and the sterotypes we have made up. The fourth theme of Geography is movement. Movement is the sharing of knowledge, ideas, objects, and people. We recieve food from places like California and the products then end up in some of the Port Coquitlam markets, this would be considered movement. The fith and final theme of geography is human and environmental interaction. This is how humans effect the environment and how we bennifit from it. when you drive around Port Coquitlam you are creating pollution that will harm the environment this is an example of  environmental interaction.

Passion Project December Reflection

Since we showed our video at the December spirit assembly during January we have had time to reflect on our project and make notes on what we can improve on for next time. This time we are going to start collecting images as soon as possible and try our best to collect more video and hopefully the sound will be better for next time.
I think our project worked out good so hopefully we can do another great video but improve those few things that need to be improved.
It is challenging to communicate with all the group members since we don’t see each other on a daily basses. I think we need to improve our group communication so we can make sure that every task is being completed. I think we can do this by on the last day of every week we could just fill in what we completed.
Our next step is to start collecting this for the next video including pictures team lists and videos.

November reflection

What are some things you have learned and/or tasks you have yaccomplished this month?

I have learned how to edit a video on iMovie. This month we have collected all the team pictures and team lists. We have collected all of Noahs video footage and put it on my computer we have edited the footage we have and place it in the video. We have insurged a song to go with the video and handed the video off to Ms.Blaxland.

What aspects of your passion project are working? Explain why.

The editing process is working very well. I think me and Sydney are learning as we go and this use makes are video better and better every time we revise it.

What aspects of your passion project are challenging? Explain why.

Something we are struggling with is collecting photos from some of the  sports and not having videos for all the sports. This is because we did not start collecting the photos and videos early enough.

What steps did you take to overcome these challenges / what adjustments did you need to make?

We set up for some of our teams to get together and pass around the ball while Noah filmed. We could not do this for ever team we didnt have footage of, so we just made sure every team had a team picture.

Is there anything you can do improve? (with your approach to the project, or altering the project)

Next time we need to start the editing process sooner in order to have time to trouble shoot any problems that may come up.

What is the next step, when will it be completed.

The next step is to start video taping the winter sports and start collecting team lists and photos this should be done by Febuary.




October reflection

What are some things you have learned and/or tasks you have accomplished this month?

I have learned good project management skills by making a binder for all of my passion project information. Tasks I have accomplished this month are, collecting all the emails of sport team coaches, finding the schedules of the sports on the athletics web page, designing my blog.

What aspects of your passion project are working? Explain why.

So far our team work is doing very well. Me and Sydney handle getting all the information Noah needs in order to film the sports and Noah films. We are currently filming and trying our best to catch all the sports. I think our group has good communication and that is why our project is working.

What aspects of your passion project are challenging? Explain why.

It has become a challenge to film the sports that started early in the year. We did not start filming soon enough but we can fix this for next year by starting right away.

What steps did you take to overcome these challenges / what adjustments did you need to make?

We have emailed the coaches that sports we have missed and asked them to send us any pictures or videos they may have. So far we have received good responses and are continuing to receive photos.

Is there anything you can do improve? (with your approach to the project, or altering the project)

I think we could improve communication even though we are pretty good at talking to each other when we  need help or have a question. We could do weekly checks on what ever one accomplished during that week.
What is the next step, when will it be completed.

The next step is collecting team lists and team pictures from the coaches to put in the video. This should be done by the middle of November.


Passion Project Application

(A) Sydney, Noah, and I want to enhance the athletic video shown at the spirit assembly by adding video clips of the Rapid teams playing. The goal of this project is to produce a video that will increase school spirit, recognize our athletes contributions, and encourage others to join teams. Our idea is to maybe post this video on Riversides YouTube channel after the spirit assembly.

(B) Some problems I am already facing is making sure I have team pictures and getting the teachers to send them in time. Another problem I am facing is the gym and field schedule is very hard to read and figure out which ones are practises and which ones are games. I am also finding it hard to find time to put the video together before the assembly. To complete this goal I need video editing skills I will use iMovie to make the video with Sydney and we will learn as we go along. We will also need to learn how to post this video on the YouTube channel which I’m sure we could get help from fellow tech team members.

(C) our first video has to be done by December 4th. I would like to be finished the video a week before the spirit assembly so the rest of the week we can do final touches. So we would need all our material by 2 weeks before. This would be the same for second semester.

Lesson Learned

The lessons we learn can only make us stronger. “If” by Rudyard Kipling and “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost are both about choices you make and life lessons that should be followed. These poems are about being patient, trusting instincts, and creating a path in life.

“If” and “The Road Not Taken” both talk about how patience is the key in order to be successful. In “The Road Not Taken” the poet suggests that you should consider a situation and have patience before making it. In the poem, the poet was taking his time looking at the different paths he could choose to take. This is a good life lesson because no decision should be rushed into. The poet was patient and “stood and looked down one as far as [he] could to where it bent in the undergrowth”. This quote shows that taking a minute to consider everything leads a person to that right path. In “If” the poet describes that in order to be successful the key is to be able to wait and have patience. He conveys that being able to wait is different than waiting while being content. Patience is key, “If you can wait and not be tired by waiting”, then a person has learned the value of time and reflection.”If” and “The Road Not Taken” both taught a lesson of how patience is an important skill to learn in life.

A lesson that both “If” and “The Road Not Taken” have conveyed is the trusting of the instincts. “The Road Not Taken” described the different paths in life and how choosing a path can completely change one’s life. In the poem, the poet described his decision on what path to travel. The grassy field that has not been walked on recently or the one that is commonly taken. Following an instinct is a important skill to have because sometimes an instinct is a better option than taking a long time to decide. “Two roads diverged into a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both”, this quote explains how there is no way out of the poets decision. Although you can not predict which choice is right, listen to your heart and hope for the best. In “If” the poet describes trusting yourself but taking other peoples thoughts and concerns into consideration. The poem speaks to having faith in yourself when others doubt you. This is important because if a person does not trust themselves they will never be content with their choices. “If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you / but make allowance for their doubting to”, this quote refers to accepting feedback when making a choice. Trusting your instinct is a valuable idea that both “If” and “The Road Not Taken” have in common.

Being yourself instead of giving in to society’s pressures and learning how to create that path are lessons that “If” and “The Road Not Taken” describe. In “The Road Not Taken” the poet talks about how a man is not influenced by others because if everyone followed society and did what everyone else did, people would all be the same. If everyone was the same, life would simply be boring. The poet stating he, “took the road less traveled by, and that made all the difference”, demonstrates how he did not follow others and his choice ended up working out for the best. In “If” the poet talks about being able to follow society but how to still remain unique. Choosing to not follow society can be a very difficult thing to do for some people, but when they do it, their true self shines through. Don’t let ordinary people take over your life and stay true to yourself,“If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with kings – – nor lose the common touch”. “If” and “The Road Not Taken” both taught this very important trait through the poem.

“If” and “The Road Not Taken” both teach the reader to be patient, to trust their instincts, and to create their own path. Practicing patience while being content helps you reflect and make good decisions. Trusting your instincts and using your heart helps guide you in making these decisions. Creating your own path in life free from society pressure means just being you which makes you a unique and loveable person. These lessons can be used over and over a lifetime, consciously and unconsciously, with success and failure, making up a bigger picture called life.