European Settlement Essay

In 1534, Jacques Cartier discovered land. He claimed

the area for France by putting a cross on the Gaspe Peninsula.

During the 16th century the main purpose for coming to Canada

was for trading. In the 17th century Samuel de Champlain’s

arrived in the Montreal area which was soon to be known as New

France. Champlain came and established a settlement. The

Europeans contact and settlement had some positive impacts on

the First Nations but overall the First Nations would have been

better off without the European settlement.

The European Settlement did have some positive effects

on the first nations.The Europeans supplied the First Nations

with goods made of iron, such as tools and cooking utensils.

This made tasks like cooking and hunting a lot easier. The

other positive effect on First Nations from the European

settlement is the fur trade. This gave the first nations a

chance to trade there beaver pelts for uncommon metal pots and

pans. This made cooking astronomically easier. When the

settlement happened a new group called the Metis was created.

This made trade alliances even stronger and created a new

culture. The Europeans also banded with the natives to help

them fight against other native groups which made them a

stronger colony. These are the few reasons how the first

nations benefited from the European settlement.

There were many ways that the First Nations were

negatively impacted by the settlement. When the European

settlement happened many Europeans attempted to “civilize” the

first nations and convert them to catholicism. This was

negative because it was forcing a life style and religion on

the First Nations and taking away there spirituality. The

Europeans also supplied the first nations with guns. This was

bad because the guns were used for hunting and the sound of the

shot scared off any other animals around. This meant they could

only kill one animal instead of many. Guns were also bad

because it became easier to kill animals which meant more

people hunting and more animals dying, many animals became

extinct because of this. Along with guns the Europeans brought

alcohol to the First Nations. This was a bad impact because

they would become drunk and do unfair trading, also the alcohol

was not prepared properly and poisoned many first nations.

There was less resources available because of the amount of

people that were part of the settlement. The black robes were

brought to New France to spread christianity but they brought

with them diseases like small pox and measles. Many first

nations died because there was not a cure. Cartier kidnapped

ten Iroquois to take back to France to tell the king of the

riches he found. All ten Iroquois died, this made the rest of

the Iroquois very suspicious of the french. those are the many

reasons why first nations would have been better off without

the European settlement.

In conclusion the European settlement did have some

positive impacts on making First Nations lives easier, however

the Europeans also caused a lot of trouble in the First Nations

culture. Therefore the Europeans contact and settlement had

some positive impacts on the First Nations but overall the

first nations would have been better off without the European

settlement. Europeans took the spirituality and simplicity out

of the first nations life’s.

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