Provincial government challenges

The provincial government often has different interests then the federal government, this can cause lots of conflict when trying to work together to change things. Provincial governments must provide for the needs of their citizens without creating debts for future generations. This puts a lot of pressure on the provincial government to make the right choices that will benefit us in the long run as well as currently. The provincial government must consider the need for certain resources like paper production but also find a balance so we are not impacting the environment. Since the federal government cut a big chunk of the funding for health care it had been hard for the provincial government to not have fees for various health care. They must work with the federal government to consult public transit and how they can develop new railways, buses, etc. Overall the biggest problem the provincial government comes across is balancing the power with the federal government and compromising too make the right decisions for Canada.

Ranking Government Jobs

1. What I would like to do from best to worst

(A). Governor general – I would want to be the Governor General because it is a fairly easy job, you would mostly be signing papers and giving final consent on decisions. You also still get paid a lot for this job. The down side is you have a lot of responsibility to make the right decisions for example with military. He also has to make the queen proud since he represents her.

(B). Prime Minister- I would want to be the Prime Minister because you have a lot of power to make a lot of change. You also are the highest paying job in government. The down side is that It can be hard trying to please everyone and try and make Canada a better place to live.

(C). Minister – I would want to be the Prime Minister because you get to focus on one issue that you are passionate about. You get to look at important issues of Canada and make sure the things are not being ignored. I wouldn’t like this because it might be to focused of one issue sometimes and you might want to branch out to other policies.

(D). MP’s- I would want to be a MP because your job is has some what of two parts too it. You work within parliament itself  but also work within your political party. This would mean you would have to do a lot of traveling and through Canada and I think that would be a lot to keep up with.

(E). Senater  – You get to look at different laws and talk to the people of Canada and see if that law fits and is wanted. I think the idea of considering Canadians thoughts and needs and representing those thoughts and needs through a vote t0 eaither pass a bill/law or to block a bill/law. I think this job could get hard because you can’t please everyone and peoples opinions might get in the way of what is right for our country.


Canada’s Political Ideology

Which ideology matches Canada the closest? Explain with examples from your own experiences.

Liberalism matches Canada the closest because we have a goal of equality for example how schools and other workplaces are adding gender neutral washrooms so everyone has a place they feel safe in. Another common goal is freedom for citizens. Canadians have the right to make their own decisions like abortion. Canadians do not believe in the death penalty like the liberalism. They also have common beliefs in relation to education in public schools and global warming. Canada believes in the right to own property which is a liberalism belief. For example I own a computer and my parents own our home.