
Charlottetown Conference

This happened on September 1-9.1864 before the Charlottetown conference the Maritime provinces were talking and discussing about their union. Once the Charlottetown Conference began discussion continued about union also  about financial agreements and the governments form. I was glad I attended the conference.

The Quebec Conference

This Conference happened on October 10-27. 1864. People were pleased about the Charlottetown Conference so the the Delegates from the Mairitme colonies were invited to Quebec  for further discussion. They were hoping that a proposal would be drafted. As a result of the Quebec Conference the 72 resolutions were drafted. I was happy about this since I am from Canada West and so was the new chairmen.


Internal political causes of the confederation

Double Majority – A law had to have a majority of votes in both Canada East and Canada West in order for it to be passed.

Independence: independence were a group of politicians that don’t have a party

Equal representation- This means the representations of a region is equal according to the population

Representation by population – when the number of seats a party gets is Decided by the population of the zone.


External Political causes of the confederation

American Civil War – The war happened over the issues of slavery and control over economic and political decision making. the Confederate States fought against the USA  in the civil war.

Trent Affairs –  A British mail ship named Trent was stopped by a American warship. The Americans captured two confederate people off the British mail ship but they ended up returning them to not cause any more conflict between the Americans and Britain

St. Albans – The st Albans Is a town that was attacked by the Confederates. This battle made Canadians realize they did not have a good defence system.

Manifest Destiny: This was the belief that Americans were destined by God to take over all of North America.

Fenian Raids: These were a Irish group that wanted to be separated from Britain. They were not successful but it led to the want for BNA colonies to unit.

Britain’s Feelings About BNA Colony’s: Britian didn’t see the BNA colonies as a valuable resource any more. The BNA colonies realized that they had to combine to work together so they could defend against the Americans.

They decided to be one big stronger, more power ful colony so they could defend against America. This made sense because Britain no loner had a need for the BNA colonies since they were no longer a valuable resource.




People were making their income off the railways and so they didn’t have to work as hard to earn that money. The reciprosity treaty made Canada earn more profit by trading with the USA. They thought this would take Canada out of a depression that the corn laws put them in these were all effects that then encourage the BNA colonies to unite.


Math – week 9


This week in math 10 I learned how to use a area model to determine the expansion. You simply plug the first part of the equation to the top of the area model and the second part coming down on the left side. You then create boxes for each term. You then needs to solve each box for example 3m multiplied by 1m squared is equal to 3m to the power of three. You them simplify all these terms to get your answer.

Why the rebellion failed

“We were perfectly raw and I do not believe that there was one man in the entire company who even understude the manual of arms”. This shows that they were not prepared for what was about to happen. This would deffinitly be a cause for failure of the rebellion. ” I was rather in front when the fireing began, and stood in more danger from the rifles of my friends than the mosquets of my enemies” This shows they were not organized and did not have the plan fully planned out. This is also a cause for the rebellion. “But 800 ran where no one pursued , and unfortunately ran the wrong way ” This is more proof that the failur of the rebellion was based on not being organized or prepared for what they were about to encounter.

Math week 8


This week I learned how to draw a model representing distributing property. To do this you line up the first half of the equation at the top and the second part on the left side. You then prosseed to use the write tiles meaning the long rectangle representing X and the small squares representing 1. These models can only be used with small equations that don’t have Xsquared in them. As shown above you trace out the boxes to see what you are left with. The squares and rectangles in the middle represent the simplified answer.  I then recognized that there was three X that were positive and one