Life in Upper Canada



Source: pioneer homestead, Chatham, Upper Canada 1828 P.J. Bainbrigge

In this picture I see a a small log house with crops growing in the yard. There is also a lot of cut down trees and a wooden cairage. I think the man standing beside the man with the farmer hat is a absentee landlord or a land speculator he is likely talking to the farmer who is growing his crops for him.

Social class


Source: Settlement on Long Island on the Rideau River, Upper Canada. Artist: Cockburn, James Pattison, 1779-1847. 1830

What I see in this picture is a man who looks to be in higher class considering his hat talking to a what seems to be a lower class woman and her child. I see a lot of cutt down trees and log cabins. Upper class was likely talking to the lower class asking for favours or wanting to buy their farming land.

Loyalty to Britain


Jones Falls, Rideau Canal, Upper Canada. Artist: Bainbrigge, Philip John, 1817-1881. ca. 1838

What I see in this picture is a bunch of boats, two seems to be some kind of army and considering the colour red on their shirts I would assume that it would be the Britain army. They were coming to Canada to represent their country and show dedication by making Canada similar to Britain.

Land issues :


Crown and Clergy Reserves, Newtown, Upper Canada, with one-seventh of the land held for clergy reserves, and one- seventh to produce government revenue, c. 1800. National Archives
of Canada, NMC288

What I see in this picture is a diagram displaying the farm land distribution each shade of black representing a reserved piece of land for the government and clergy. The government and clergy got first choice on every 7th lot. The clergy and government were allowed to choose which land they got so they would choose the best fertile land. The farmers were left with not very fertile land. This made farmers very unsuccessful.



King St. E., looking e. from Toronto St., Young, Thomas, Year/Format: 1835, Picture

What I see in this picture is a church in the back and a cairage pulled by some kind of animal. Since people didn’t live close to each other church was one of the only times the people got to interact with one another. This kept the poeple close knit and connected.