Global Warming and Settlement Patterns in Canada

Cordillera- Yes global warming would create problems for the settlement patterns of Cordillera. The population in Cordillera would increase and would become more dense. The mountains act like borders abound the cordillera so the population does not have the ability to spread since people like living on the flat ground.

Plains- No global warming would not create problems for the settlement patterns of the Plains. North of the Plains temperature would rise and since people like living were the temperature is higher the settlement would simply spread out to the North of the Plains. People have the ability to spread out since the plains are flat.

Sheild- No global warming would not create problems for the settlement patterns of the Sheild region. If global warming warmed the temperature of the Canadian Sheild, people would likely start to settle there. Since there is not much population in the Sheild there is lots of room for settlement.

St. Lawrence Low Lands- Yes global warming would create problems for the settlement patterns of the St. Lawrence low lands. Since the Low lands are already a very dense population if Canada were to warm up more people would settle in the low lands. This would create problems of over population because there is no where for the population to spread since the whole region is already very dense.

Appalachians- No global warming would not create problems for the settlement patterns of the Appalachians. If the temperature rised the population would become more dense in the Appalachian region since there is not much room to spread out, but since there are spots in this region where the population is not dense and have room for people to settle in.

Arctic- No global warming would not create problems for the settlement patterns of the Arctic region. When the temperature rises because of global warming the glaciers and ice will melt and the land of the Arctic will become hotter. Settlement might start happening south of the Arctic region but I think the North will still be to cold to settle to.