Five Themes of Geography

There are five different themes of geography. The first one is regarding location. There are two differnt types of location, absolute and relative. Absolute location is a location you could pin point on a map eaither using longitude and latitude or an address. 49.2625° N, 122.7811° W is the absolute location of Port Coquitlam. Relative location is a location that could refer to more than one direction depending on where your starting point is. When saying Port Coquitlam is East of Vancouver you are using a relative location. The second theme of geography is regarding place. There are two different ways to describe place. There is physical landscape and cultural landscape. Physical landscape is what non- man made features are in that location like trees, bodies of water, and mountains. One of Port Coquitlams physical features is the fraser river. Cultural landscape is the man made features of a location like pools, golf coarses, and buildings. Gates park is an example of a cultural landscape. The third theme of geography is regarding regions. There are three types of regions, formal, functional, perceptual. A formal region is boundaries that can be found on a map like countries, provinces, and cities. Port Coquitlam in it self is a formal region. A functional region is one that is grouped together for a functional reason, these are not formaly labeled. The tri-cities are grouped together in Port Coquitlam for  educational purposes this would be considered a functional region. A perceptual region is a region we make up in our heads that only locals are familiar with an example of this would be the South side of Port Coquitlam verse the North side and the sterotypes we have made up. The fourth theme of Geography is movement. Movement is the sharing of knowledge, ideas, objects, and people. We recieve food from places like California and the products then end up in some of the Port Coquitlam markets, this would be considered movement. The fith and final theme of geography is human and environmental interaction. This is how humans effect the environment and how we bennifit from it. when you drive around Port Coquitlam you are creating pollution that will harm the environment this is an example of  environmental interaction.