Palace of Versailles

If the people from the third estate saw the Palace of Versailles they would be very mad at the King. While city workers were living in dirty, small houses, the King was living in complete luxury. The peasants had to provide a portion of their harvest to the landlords and the bourgeoisie found making money difficult with tariffs and lack of infrastructure. The third estate must have wondered why the King was so selfish. France needed money so the King shouldn’t have had such a big palace or use all the money given to him for himself. He was living an extravagant lifestyle while the majority of France was living in complete poverty. The third estate was also burdened with paying the most taxes while the king paid nothing at all. The King was using the money from taxes for his own good while the city workers were spending 50% of there income on food. They could not even afford bread while the King was fine dining with his wife. I think the people from the third estate would be very angry and disappointed in their King.