Element Sway/Information Fluency project

Here is the first part of my information fluency project.

My Sway:

My reflection:

In order to create my sway I had to research the following questions:

  1. When and where was mercury discovered?
  2. How has mercury affected our life?
  3. How has mercury impacted our discoveries in life?
  4. Where and how was mercury named?
  5. What are some cool facts about mercury that might be more uncommon?

I used multiple tools to help gather my information and improve my knowledge, those tools were:

  • citethisforme to help cite my references properly in MLA format
  • google to research all my information and cites
  • youtube on how to create a sway as it was my first time creating and uploading a sway.

I used a separate word document where i copy pasted all my links for my sources onto so when i was finished writing my sway, i could go back into the word document and use the page “citethisforme” to help cite my sources properly in MLA format. I would also search up multiple websites and articles and fact check my information, I would look through multiple websites to see if they all had similar or the same information to help make sure the information I was reading was correct and not false. This worked and helped me escape a few faulty websites that had false information that could have potentially affected some parts in my project.

It took me longer to complete this project due to some medical reasons. I am in the hospital so it’s been very hard to keep focused and have the energy and strength to do my work, however I have pushed through and persevered. So to improve for the next time maybe I would start a bit earlier as that might have been able to help a bit but I am uncertain, it would also help my focus abilities to be at home, and to have more experience writing a sway as this was my first time creating one.


One thought on “Element Sway/Information Fluency project

  1. Great information fluency post. I really like how you have found some great sub-questions to lead you to get a well-rounded perspective on your topic. You have shared some digital tools and cited your sources. Your debrief could have been more detailed but considers what you did well and what you could have improved upon.

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