In this assignment, I interviewed Cathy Mills, a former competitive figure skater and coach, now a professor at Douglas College. She has her Ph.D., BSc, and her MA degree in Sports Science. She now teaches in the Regular Faculty in the Sports Science course at Douglas College. She originally is from BC, and when she was a Figure skating coach, she taught in New Zealand. I was looking for people to interview, and when I talked to my gym trainer he introduced me to Professor Mills. We talked a bit by email, then set up a time to have a meeting on Zoom.
I choose to interview her because I heard she used to be a skating coach. I think that skating is a wonderful sport, and in the future, I was considering a Figure Skating Coach as a legit career path. When I interviewed her over zoom, it was a wonderful experience. She was such an amazing person to talk to. Even though I only had to ask her 6 questions, I ended up asking way too many, and the interview lasted like an hour and a half! The part that I loved the most about this interview was hearing Professor Mills’ way of perspective. They were truly unique. She always seemed to focus on the bright side of the idea, but acknowledged the darker side and took it in instead of completely ignoring it. She later sent me the recording of the zoom meeting so I could re-take notes and make this post.
I made a you-tube video to explain!
Thank you for submitting your Community Connection assignment for COL. We have reviewed your Edublogs post, and have the following observations regarding your work:
– Great job interviewing someone and seeking out information regarding their expertise
– Consider having your connection make a comment on your post or adding links to their work
– Good work sharing what you learned on your Edublogs portfolio through video
Thank you,
Mr. Robinson and Mr. Barazzuol
COL Teachers
Thank you for the opportunity to chat about my experiences as a skating coach and faculty member! I love how you created a video to discuss the project – such a fun way to engage 🙂
Your questions really got me thinking about my life coaching & teaching. Decisions around what to study and what career path to follow can be huge and intimidating… but, I am an example of someone who has taken many paths on my way to my current career, and I would do it all again! Follow your passion(s) and the rest will take care of itself 🙂
Again, thank you so much for helping me out with this assignment! You made it such an amazing experience!!!