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Mid-Term Reflection + Goal Setting


Here is a mid-term self assessment and a goal for the next half of the semester. I have expanded on the assessment pillar of “Lab Skills” and explained my current skills and potential areas for growth.


Goal Reflection

I believe I have definitely improved on this goal. This is shown by the improvement of my lab marks near the end of the physics course compared to the beginning not because I got higher marks, but because I was consistently able to get around 90% while writing shorter conclusions. This goal was especially hard for me to improve on since I have a habit of over explaining simple situations. I was eager to make known to my teacher that I understood the material well, but in the end the overcomplicated explanations I gave probably made it seem like I was guessing the answer. So, to improve my write-ups, I often would check with my peers to see what they have written and compare it to my answers. This helped me notice where I over explained some things and shorten it so as to seem more concise.

Although I think I have improved, I definitely think I can still get much better. I often still catch myself spiraling into long explanations, but I will keep working towards improvement by reading over my work and making sure it’s easy to read and understand.

Published inGrade 11Science 11Self-Assessment

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