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Indigenous Exploration – The Mohawk Institute

Written reflection

My experiences

I was really excited to do this assignment. I never really made a podcast before, so I was really nervous about if I could do it properly or not. At first I thought I was doomed, because When i finished researching my part the other two were not done at all! I thought I would have to do all of the work myself! But they were apparently slow starters, and got good information for our notes and did a really good job for giving us stuff to talk about in our podcast!

Our group’s path/strategy

When we started the assignment we gave ourselves a role to do. I took the School information and the local indigenous languages, Samhitha took the area information and the local bands, and Eunice took the Anecdotes and Effects/impacts. We each took about 1.5 days to finish our research, so it didn’t take long for us to start writing our script. When we were writing our script, we took turns so we wouldn’t mess up each other’s typing. We just typed our notes in as conversations. 


When I first noticed it was when we first started rehearsing. I COULD NOT SPEAK SMOOTHLY! Since i don’t really bite my tongue while i speak normally or anything I thought I would be fine, BUT HEEELL NAH. My mouth said NO as soon as we started recording. I had to practice over the weekend so i could talk a bit smoother in front of the mike. At least it came out pretty good. I thought i was screwed for some reason. Like, on the first day, I was trippin’ over my tongue every 5 seconds!


Well, the most heavily used way that we communicated was oral communication. We used this way of communication from the second we decided to be a group, till the end of our assignment. We talked and discussed about what we would do and who would do what. We would give each other some corrections when we were  talking in front of the mike as well (After we stopped recording). 


Published inADL 10 AssignmentsEnglish 9Grade 9

One Comment

  1. bbarazzuol

    Thank you for posting your “Indigenous Exploration” audio project (podcast). As the assignment was completed for both English 9 and COL, I have the following feedback for you on the post:

    – All elements of the assignment’s post were exceptional and properly uploaded
    – Reflection on blog explains process taken to complete the assignment
    – Audio quality is clear and delivery is well executed
    – Professional sounding podcast

    Overall, this assignment was extremely well done. If you have any questions, please let me know.

    Thank you!

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher

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