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A Mountain Journey Questions

#1 Dave Conroy was travelling in the wilderness to the railroad with the fur he got from 6 weeks of trapping.

#2 On page 94, when it said ‘He knew what he should do. He should stop, make a fire, dry his hands and feet, change his socks and mittens. But it was late. It would mean swashing for another night underneath a tree. A biting wind was driving the mi?t back up the valley and ,the sun westering behind the ranges threw long feeble shadows across the snow. He was less than three miles from the cabin, and the promise of its warmth and comfort would not let him stop.’, thats when I knew that this was foreshadowing that he would later regret not resting for the night here.


  1. Not making camp at the spruce tree so he could wait till the best time to travel.
  2. Not resting at the river snd making camp after he fell through the ice.
  3. sitting down to take a break

To prevent from freezing in the first place, he could have just waited two more weeks, before he went down the mountain in the first place.


  • Exposition – the first page, 91. it explains what Dave Conroy is doing in the wilderness, and why.
  • Complication incident – In page 92-93, when the land slide occurs.
  • 3 crisis – 1, The ice cracks beneath him, and falls. 2, he gets to the cabin, but the cabin was burnt down years ago. 3, when he decided to go a little bit further to make it to the next cabin 18 miles away.
  • Climax – When he sat down to rest
  • Denouement – when he dies

#5 The setting of the story is sometime in April. Somewhere in the mountains. Probably somewhere further in the north hemisphere, judging from the fact that it’s still that snowy and frozen and cold in April. this affects the story because if it weren’t this cold, he wouldn’t have much trouble going. down, and may have not died. i think the theme of the story is,

‘Think of what you are doing before you put it to action.’

#6 Cabin – a symbol for safety, security, warmth, hospitality, Snow – death and sadness



 A snow-covered tree sweating in the heat of his fire, dripping water on his neck and dampening his blankets.


The cold was an old man’s fingers


Across from him was a line of peaks thrust up against the sky, notched and jagged as if old bones, haLf-covered with the snow, littered their crests.

But the light of the sun was dim, as if a brighter light shone from behind it and the sunlight was its shadow


  • Eternal – lasting or existing forever
  • Immobility – A person’s ability to not move
  • Opaque – Not see through
  • Reverberation – the prolongation of sound
  • Momentum – the energy that a object carries while moving
  • cadaverous – describing a corps when it is very pale and bony
  • Congregated – connected/stuck together
  • Inundation – too much people or things
  • Beggared – Reduce someone to poverty 
  • Filched – stealing something of small value in a casual way


Published inEnglish 9Grade 9

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