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Digital Footprint

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Digital Footprint”? since social media came out, this has been a big thing. No, it is not a literal footprint that you have online. In this post, we will be diving into what digital footprint is, and how it affects you.

How to manage your digital footprint | Hudson

What is “Digital Footprint”?

Your digital footprint is what you leave online. So, pics, vids, and tweets every thing like that. Anything that you can post online and that is publick adds to your digital footprint.New: Updated options for social media icons | Bandzoogle Blog Digital Citizenship

How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities?

Your digital footprint can affect your future opportunities big time. Let’s say that you’re a really good student with really good grades and wants a starter job. You apply for a job, but they decline you. why do you think? Well, the first thing they have to do when you apply for a job is to search you up.  And guess what they found? They found pics of you doing inappropriate things and being drunk. Of course they denied you. Another example could be that you are applying for a university, but they find out that you posted something that is very inappropriate several times. They could decline you just for that reason even if you aced the application test.

The Future of Education

What are strategies you could use to keep your digital footprint safe and appropriate?

Well, the first thing you should probably do is to keep your accounts and tweets on social media appropriate. You could do this by:

  1. Checking over your tweets and posts before you post them
  2. have a second opinion of your posts as well before posted

To keep your profiles safe, you should make your accounts private. Only people that you follow can see your tweets, posts, and vids. All social media apps offer this option, and I think it’s essential to have this option.

4 ways to better protect your privacy in social media apps - UW–⁠Madison Information TechnologyWhat Does Online Privacy Mean to You? - SOVA






What info did I learn writing this post?

I learned that your digital footprint have big effects in your current and future life. you have to keep your footprint save and appropriate, so that you won’t have any troubles in the future. and that the best way to do that is to check over what you post and make your accounts private.


Published inADL 10 AssignmentsGrade 9


  1. michaelab2021

    This is super cool! ❤️

    • oliviam2021 oliviam2021

      Thank you UWU

  2. Mr. Robinson

    Thank you for sharing your commentary on how to monitor your online use and how to maintain a credible digital footprint. Below are some observations about your post:

    – You provided complete details to answer the three questions regarding responsible online use
    – You included appropriate photos or media as instructed
    – You could consider adding a comment (See how here: and detailed picture citations

    Thank you,
    Mr. Robinson
    COL Teacher for ADL10
    Riverside Secondary School

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