Poetry Talks – syntax and understatement



Paragraph Explanation: 


A syntax is the arrangement of words and phrases used to create cohesive sentences. Without syntax, sentences can lose their meaning or not make sense at all. Syntax is a tool used in writing proper grammatical sentences. Often, native speakers will learn correct syntax in their language without realizing it. The complexity of a writer’s or speaker’s sentences creates a formal or informal level of diction that is presented to its audience. 


An understatement is the presentation of something being smaller, worse, or less important than it really is. An understatement is a tool that helps to develop other figures of speech, such as irony and sarcasm, by deliberately decreasing the severity of a situation, when an intense response is expected by the listeners or the readers. 

Examples of Terms: 


An example of syntax is “The boy left hurriedly – the boy hurriedly left”  The sentence example states that the boy was only there for a short amount of time and left in a hurry. The second example states nothing about the amount of time that the boy spent in the area and only focuses on the speed in which he exited.  




An understatement of a situation would be if a person totalled their car but said, “Its only a small scratch”. This is an understatement because it is not just a small scratch, it is in fact a big problem and should not be brushed off as something minor. 






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