spanish core comp

Name: Olivia Knowles Date: 10/12/2021






How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the communication competency?


In what ways might you further develop your communication competency?


Describe how the artifact you selected shows your strengths & growth in specific core competencies. The prompt questions on the left – or other self-assessment activities you may have done – may guide your reflection process.


The core competency I’m choosing to reflect on is communication. I had to use communication many times in my Spanish class. The main use of communication was learning how to speak a different language. I had to speak out loud and practice my pronunciation. I had to listen to words in Spanish and understand what they were trying to communicate. Spanish class has provided a great outlet to let me practice my communication skills. We needed to communicate with each other every day, in Spanish.





How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the thinking competencies?


In what ways might you further develop your thinking competencies?





How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the personal & social competencies?


In what ways might you further develop your personal & social competencies?



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