Partner paragraph by Olivia K

Olivia S’s answers to English 9 interview

By: Olivia K

Her name may be the same as mine, but our answers were very different. Yesterday I interviewed a girl named Olivia, for this I had to use the core competency communication. In this paragraph I will talk about how she answered different questions and try to break down the responses she gave. If she could time travel, she would go in the past and attempt to change the course of history and make the world more functional than it is right now. This answer is very practical, and I agree with it as I feel as if the world right now could be better. If she could have one superpower, she would have teleportation, because getting in the car and driving places is too much effort. This answer was interesting as not many people would choose this superpower for that reason. If she could bring back anyone from the dead, she would bring back XXXtentacion because he was an absolute legend and helped a lot of people. I also like X’s music so this answer was nice to hear. We did not choose the same answer for any of the questions but it was interesting to hear another Olivia’s perspective.

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