November 24th 2018 archive

Pre-Calc 11 – Week 13 –

This week in Pre-Calc, I had some trouble understanding how to put equations into piecewise form, and how to solve absolute value equations. So, today I will explain how you do them.

When you are putting an equation into piecewise form, you first take the equation out of the absolute value signs. Once you have done this, you make the equation equal to zero. After this, you put all the numbers (without variables) on the other side of the equation. Next, you isolate “x” by diving by the number that is next to it (coefficient) on both sides, and then you will have your answer for what “x’ equals. Once you have solved for “x”, you put the point or points on a number line, and choose two (one point) or three (two points) on the number line. Based on which point is negative, you will then write the formula in piecewise form. To do this, you will write the original formula as it is, and then write “x” is < or > depending on where your point is positive and negative for all your points (one or two). Next, you will write out the original equation again, this time for the negative point, and since it is a negative, you will have to multiply in a negitive sign in the front of the original equaiton to make it positive. Once you have writtent that, you will then write “x” is < or > the point or points that are negative on your number line.

To solve an equation, you seperate it into two different equations. One will be the original equation (without the absolute value symbols) and the other will be the equation with the negative symbole multiplying in (to make the negative part of the number line positive). To solve your first side (the original one), you will move any numbers without variables to the other side. Once you have done this, you divide both sides by the number in front of “x” (coefficient), and this will give you your answer. For the second side (the original one with the negative multiplied in), you will start by multiplying the negative symbole in. Once you have done this, you move all the numbers without variables to the other side. Next, you will divide both sides by the number in front of “x” (coefficient), and this will give you the other answer.