art studio 11

  1. Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of process.
  2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
  3. Your biggest success of the week.
  4. Goal for next week.

week 2)   feb. 9, 2023

1) in class this week we started our artist trading cards.

2) my biggest struggle this week was coming up with ideas to put on my trading cards.

3) my biggest success for this week was I finished my first trading card and am half way through my second one .

4) my goal for next week will be to finish my second trading card.

week 3) feb.16, 2023

this week I started my opposites attract project.

my biggest struggle this week was drawing out and geting both sides of my drawing symmetrical.

my biggest success this week was starting to paint my opposites attract.

my goal for next week is to finish my opposites attract.

Week 4) feb. 23, 2023

1)This week I finished my opposites attract project.

2) my biggest struggle this week was finding out what to do or the back ground, im not vary good at doing backgrounds and i want to get better at them.

3) my biggest success this week was how good my painting came out.

4) my goal for next week is to stay on task and finish my work

week 5) march. 2, 2023

this week I finished my multi  media artist trading card and have started working on my inquiry project that is based on anatomy and posture.

my biggest struggle this week was having to find content for my multi media card because it isn’t my style I don’t ever do it.

my biggest success was that I was able to get a book from Mx. Vittie on anatomy and basic human body structure such as muscles, face shape, and proportion.

next week I will continue to work on my anatomy inquiry project.

week 6) march. 9, 2023

this week i worked on my inquiry project and mostly focused on anatimy but i also did some face drawing and bone structure work

my biggest stugle this week was geting the proportions of my figure right

my biggest success this week was finding a new way to draw my faces so I don’t end up draing the same face over and over again

next week i will continue on with my inquiry project and also the stencil art project


march, 13, 2023 week 6 life below water

the sea turtle

Turtles face many threats like plastic bags in the ocean, nets, and loss of habitat. Sea turtles will think that plastic bags are jelly fish witch is there main food source and eat it and choke on it, they will run into nets get tangled in them then not be able to get out, and they also are loosing the habitat to dying coral reefs and and us humans.

We can help them by properly disposing of garbage removing old fishing nets from the ocean and stop using boats with harmful noises.


week 7 march 30 2023

this week I worked on my stencil painting of a turtle and a little bit on my inquiry project.

my biggest struggle this week was trying to find the right colors for my turtle and I did 2 different paintings of it because I didn’t like the first one

my biggest success this week was getting the mussel structure down and I think it will help me with making better full body drawings

next week I will start to work on the legs and how the mussels move through them and there proportions

top 5 artist trading cards


Name: lonely flower

Media: mixed media

Element: movement and contrast


Name: Floating Cow

Media: Collage

Element: Color and perspective


Name: the ocean

Media: collage

Element: color and movement


Name: see everything

Media: collage

Element: color and movement

week 12 2023

this week I worked on my vinal print and did two copies because I didn’t like the first one I did.

my biggest struggle was finding something to cut out for my vinel print non of them where vary good but on my second attempt I got it right

my biggest success was not stabling through the vinel when carving out my piece

next week I will continue to work on my inquiry project and possibly start thinking about a final piece for my inquiry

week 14 may 18, 2023

this week in art I worked on my inquiry project and abstract piece

my biggest struggle this week was learning how to do abstract art

my biggest success was learning how to do abstract art

next week i will di what ever Mx. Vittie tells me to



week 15, may 25, 2023

this week i worked on an abstract piece that was done as an exercise after finishing up with that I continued to work on my pasiden art work and bear skull

my biggest struggle this week was understanding how to properly make an abstract piece

my biggest success this week was not quitting when my art teacher said that we where going to be doing an abstract piece

next week I will continue to work on my inquiry project and start to think of a final piece that i want to do to present my semester long goal of getting better at anatomy


inquiery term long project

in this project I worked on anatomy and how to properly create movement and form in my drawings

in order to get started I had to get an anatomy book that would give me reference images, the purpose of this project is to get better at drawing and learn a new skill. other people have done the same thing as I have in order to come to where there at today but in order for me to be able to achieve this I will need outside help. with this idea I want to ether make a big wall post of all the work that I was working on, I am leaning toward the one big piece bit still don”t know.

in making this project I had some mistakes by going to far to fast and it not working out for me. in the end I was able to pull myself back in and work on the basics in order to get all the spaces down.

the moth

may 24 2023

Lino print

Oliver McLoughlin the idea behind this piece was to add depth and texture to my prints to allow for a more realistic art work.

in this piece there are flowers all around the moth and a border to allow for the viewers eyes to not track off the page. the texture given to it really give I life and allow for the viewer to instantly know what it is that I was depicting when making this piece.

week 16 June. 8, 2023

this week I started working on my final inquiry project where I will be doing a big anatomy drawing

my biggest struggle this week was staying motivated to do anything in this class

my biggest success this week was figuring out what im going to be doing for my final inquiry project

next week I will be working on finishing my trading cards and my inquiry project.

week 17 June, 16 2023

this week I worked on the start of my final piece for my inquiry project

my biggest struggle this week was trying to finish off all my trading cards with different styles and mediums

my biggest success this week was being able to find something that I will d0 for my final piece

next week I will work on the good copy of my final project

the spot we chose to clean was the table next to the spinney things, you use this to put things on people like to do that and not pick up what they put down. this item looks like a flat surface with with legs usually consisting of 4 but some times there’s more or less. i think it shouldn’t have legs and should just float.

we are cleaning it every few days and washing down the surfaces to keep it nice and shiny. I was to wipe down the tables my partner was to clean the stuff off it.

by cleaning off the table people can put more stuff on it and be confused as to y it isnt on there 2 weeks later after we cleaned it.




when taking on this project I wanted to learn how to draw anatomy and figure, in the process of this I had to learn bone structure an how the mussels sit, contract, and extend at different points in movement. when looking at the last piece that I did (found at the bottom of the page) there is a lot of  improvement from the first one that I did (found at the top of the page). even though some may say this is amazing I know that there is still room for improvement, and there always will be.