Governing Quebec
As a British official, I realize there are many alternatives to governing Quebec. I have chosen the policy of Isolation to ensure the colony is properly run. Creating separate territories is good for both Britain, French and also the native people. They would all have different things like government and being protected by them, plus different languages! they don’t need to be confused by Britain people speaking British and others the same, they have people that speak their language and its easier for them to do a lot of things. Having your own land is really good because you have the water near you, the supply’s that we need to survive. And also they need shelter for the night. There are so many different things you could do with your own territories, but that’s what the British should do with Quebec, and i feel that its quiet fair. As I have outlined above, I believe the best policy for governing Quebec is Isolation. This will ensure that the colony will remain under British control and provide wealth for our glorious country.